Matt's POV

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Shocked was the only word to described me when I opened my apartment door to find Aimee lay face down. The sound of something falling outside had drawn me to my door and there I had found Aimee.

I couldn't help myself and laughed "You're really not very stable on your feet are you?"

Aimee looked up directly into myself "Shitting hell Aimee. What on earth has happened to you?"

Aimee really didn't look in the best of ways, so I pulled her up wrapping my arm around her and escorted her into my apartment. She was crying frantically, my heart dropped seeing her like this. She was in pain and I wanted desperately to help her but I had to clear the air first. I rested her on the couch afraid that I'd break her, I'd never seen her so weak. 

Relief filled me when I realised that she had come back even when I had kicked her out, she must have felt the connection too. I was so happy that'd she had come back to me, we could sort things out and see where they led us. We had only known each other a week but I could not got her out of my mind in that short time.

I jumped into action remembering her lip and grabbed her some frozen peas from the freezer, I hoped they'd help numb the pain. Numb. That's how I felt when she just walked out on me the day after we'd met.

"Here put this on your lip it will help with the swelling. You've bust it good and proper I must say. Good night?" I offered her the peas.

"Mmmmm," she mumbled back.

"Listen Aimee. I need to talk to you. Don't even try to talk you'll split your lip more," I teased trying to make light of an awkward situation.

A deep chuckle escaped my lips when I caught Aimee giving me a evil look. She really didn't look impressed.

Not giving her a chance to cut in I continued "Look the other day I was kinda outta order. Well in fact I was completely outta order. I had no right to kick you out like I did, yeah I was hurt but you tried to apologize. "

She nodded, I wasn't sure if i9t was because of her lip or because of me.

"And I've been doing some thinking and it wasn't as if you didn't regret it. I'd probably be doing the same thing if I were you...if I were a girl that is, blokes aren't really my thing," I giggled making it sound more uncomfortable that I had planned. "But...well...what I'm trying to say really is I forgive you. I know it's soon but we could have something special here you know..." I looked at her unsure of how she would react.

A loud, vibrating interrupted our conversation and Aimee begrudgingly answered her phone. All I managed to make out was the name Thomas, who the hell was he?

"Thomas. Yeah I'm fine sorry just gone to see someone. And kinda had an accident and bust my lip but I'll be fine honestly. I'll speak to you tomorrow, yeah?" she stated,  not even meeting my eye.

A friend! That's all I was? Why was I even bothering with this apology? I shock in horror when I heard 'Love you.' It was obvious wasn't it? She had a boyfriend yet she still came to see me. What the hell? I stared furiously into her eyes upon realising that I had been a big fool, probably just some joke to her.

"You've got to be kidding me. Thomas? Now who's this one?" I asked anger seeping unintentionally from my words.

To my amazement Aimee screamed "You know what I can't be arsed with this shit! You wanna make your mind up you know!".

"You're the one with the boyfriend but yet you're here. You're the one that to make your mind up," I  snarled in a frenzy.

"He's not my boyfriend he's just some guy," she tried to explain as if it made any difference.

"Yeah okay Aimee, how many guys are there? Especially ones that love you?" I worked out that Aimee was involved with three guys. Three!

"I don't know why he loves me I only met him Thursday after you kicked me out. I wanted to forget about you forget that although I wanna deny I do care about you. Alot," she bit her lip after mumbling the last word.

All rage left my body as soon as her confession reached my ears. She cared for me too. That meant she felt it too, didn't it? I was overwhelmed with concern for her and I delicately placed the peas back onto her lip.

"I'm sorry," I whispered looking into those beautiful eyes. "I'm so sorry. Forgive me?" I pleaded.

My eyes began to water unexpectedly "I don't know what's making me like this with you. We just have some chemistry I can feel it when we're shouting at each other. I'm not gonna come out with some lame excuse about how I have trust issues cos I don't."

"Aimee, look at me please," I muttered hoarsely. "I was a player once believe it or not. I hurt so many people I just don't want you doing the same. The hate some girls felt towards me really bothered me and I don't think you'll be able to live with the guilt. You're just too nice." I admitted.

She was too nice. And sweet, funny, beautiful, strong-minded, the list could go on.

My lips were drawn to hers and I tenderly kissed her, afraid of hurting her. Hurting her was the last thing I intended on doing, especially now I knew that she felt the same about me. Kissing her right there and then felt so right, it was meant to be. I could feel her getting breathless so I effortlessly carried her to the bedroom. Not once breaking the intense kiss we were sharing. My heart was nearly beating out of my chest as her lips explored mine, Sadly I had to break away, much to my own disappointment, so that I could lie her on the bed.

"Did I say how beautiful you look, even with your bust lip? And Aimee let's take things slow. You don't have to be a player with me you know," I whispered.

Taking it slow was going to kill me, I longed for nothing more than the two of us connecting on a much higher level. I just wanted to hear her moan my name in ecstasy, but we did need to take things slowly. The last thing I wanted was to rush her and have her run out on me again. My heart wouldn't be able to take it again, specifically since I'd opened up to her.

As soon as I joined Aimee in bed she cuddled herself into me, and my arms snaked round her. All I wanted was to make her safe. As long as she was happy I would be too. I wasn't going to mess things up this time, I was certain of that.


 I know it's longer than the other boys POVs but what can I say? I love Matt! Hahaha =)

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