When we were finally out of breath, and our legs started shaking getting the best of us, we stopped for the day.

"You're fast, Trent." Kyle tells me, drowning his head in water from his bottle. The sweat on his face is suddenly washed away.

"You're not too bad yourself." I deflect. I start blushing when people compliment me, and I really didn't want to start.

"Thanks," He shrugs. I think I just deflected my blush and gave it to him. "Can I offer you a ride home?"

"You're not gonna let your wolf have a run?" I question him, panting madly.

"It's going to rain, Aurora." He points up at the sky, I now see sagging grey clouds hiding the sun. "You don't wanna smell like wet dog, do you?"

I shake my head, still catching my breath. "I guess not."

"So you comin'?" He rattles his keys at me, after digging them from his pocket.

He's not the evil rival I always sought him out to be. I nodded at his kind off and he smiles broadly. He's such a smiley person, there's not one moment where I don't catch the corners of his mouth raising. 

"Thanks for this." I tell him.

I can't wait to tell Ares about how his two favourite people are getting along, he'll be so happy. Things are really turning for the better for him.

I walk with Kyle to the parking lot and he points out his blue Ford. I put my bag in the back seat, hopping into the front buckling myself in. As soon as he starts the car, music streams through the speakers. I was taken back to hear Destiny's Child playing.

"You listen to Destiny's child?" I burst out laughing.

"Hell yeah! This ones my favourite, listen." He tells me, fidgeting with the stereo.

Kelly, can you handle this?

Michelle, can you handle this?

Beyonce, can you handle this?

"I don't think they can handle this!" He sings enthusastically, twisting his hips in his seat. 

I shake my head, is this boy seriously singing to Bootylicious?

"I'm guessing you like Independent Woman as well, then?" I chuckle as he jams out, banging his head to the beats.

"Oh shit yeah. I love me a woman that puts shoes on her feet."

"Well I would think that you should..."

We start talking about our favorite bands and artists, the genres we like and the genres we don't like. I think that letting him run with me was a good decision, because I have a feeling we're going to be really good friends from now on.

We click.

When Kyle parks outside my house, I unclick my seat belt and take my time to thank him.

"Thanks for today, you've been really nice, Kyle." He blushes at my every word, he reminds me so much of myself. I do the exact same thing.

"Don't worry about it. I'm probably going to drop by and see if Ares is home, I'll tell him that we're friends."

"Give him a kiss for me, huh?" I wink, encouraging their bromance.

"Don't need to kiss him for you." He jokes playfully. Or at least I hope he's joking.

Ares will be over the moon when he finds out that we're friends now. I knew it sort of bothered him that Kyle and I were on strange terms, but he'll be happy to know things have changed.

I get up, about to exit the vehicle when Kyle interrupts.

"What's that on your nose?" He asks, looking at it the same way my mother was last night. I don't cover it like I did when she was looking at it though, he knows how I got it.

"Oh, it's from Jonah. It's nothing really."

He raises his eyebrow and puts his hand on my face. I almost freak out because I thought he was going to kiss me, but he just places a finger over my nose and things start feeling different.

"What did you just do?" I ask him, as he pulls away. His hands are really rough, but they're warm and so comforting. He pulls down the mirror from above the front seat and I immediately notice a change.

The bruise on my face isn't visible anymore, it's completely gone and healed.

What kind of black magic is that?

"How'd you do that?" I ask him, poking and prodding at the bridge of my nose to look for any pain. There's none.

"It's just a Beta's touch." He gives me his killer smile and I thank him again. I didn't even know Beta's could do that, but we learn something knew everyday in the werewolf world.

"But our Beta can't do that?" I continue to stare at my face, I felt like a new person.

"He hasn't found them yet then." He calls out the window, putting the gearstick into reverse.

He waves goodbye and I watch as he drives away. Who would have thought that we'd be two peas in a pod.

As I walk inside, I catch myself singing. "My body too bootylicious for you babe...."

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wanted to let you guys know that I name every chapter after a person. this is because characters are first introduced in my book, i just think they deserve a whole chapter. it's also easy to remember what happens in which chapter.

thanks for 400+ reads yay

thoughs on Kyle?


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