Another letter

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Dear mom,

Hey mom um I'm sorry I let you down. I'm so sorry I was mistake. I'm sorry I wasn't what you wanted. All those things you said about me. Your right. I am a mistake an embarrassment. I hope my younger sister doesn't be like me. I'm sorry you have to deal with my bull shit. I hope you know that because of you my heart is filled with love and hate towards most people I love. (And mostly you). But I'm sorry I called you my mother. You are 100% right. I shouldn't be here. I should be a better child. And happy. However I can't be happy because you don't love me. You act like you do in front of other people. But you never loved me. Im abused phiscally and emotionally. But you don't care. And I understand I'm wasting your time. So I'm just gonna send this letter to you. Than shoot myself and make you happy. Than I won't be in your way. I'll be free and happy because I'm away from you and other people who hate and want me dead. I love you mommy!!!!! 🎂🎁💖💗💘💟💝💘✌💋. Ooh wait no I dont .  


 Talia G

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