Chapter 16. Is This Goodbye?

Start from the beginning

I pull her up the steps and into the outside.

"Here we are!" I let go of her hand and turn around with a wide grin.

She looked amazed. "Th-this place... I've always wanted to go here, but I never could..." Cana suddenly looked depressed.

"Hey, what's wrong Cana-chan? I brought you here to cheer you up!" I pull her into a hug and notice that she's sobbing.

She pulls away after a few seconds. "I-I'm sorry. It's just that, my father... He was a painter. And he actually died during the fire at this place 14 years ago. My mother would never allow me to come here," she wipes away her tears as she explains.

"Oh my gosh, I'm SOOO sorry, I honestly didn't know!" I apologize with my eyes wide open in shock.

"It's alright there's no way you could have! Come on, let's go in!" she puts on a brave face and pulls me towards the double doors that are up the small flight of stairs.

Since it's already 7:52pm, not very many people are exiting or entering the art exhibit.

Two hours later

"Bye Cana-chan!" I wave goodbye once we reach my floor and she keeps going up the stairs. Turns out, she lives in the same building as well!

"Bye! See you at school tomorrow!" she smiles and goes up the stairs.

I open the door and I hear talking between two voices. One of which, is Sora's. I gaze down to the floor and notice that there are large dress shoes by the entrance. I take my shoes off and set my stuff down. I walk into the living room where Sora and another man are sitting.

I freeze, "D-dad..."

He quickly gets up and runs at me for a hug. I dodge in the nick of time and glare at him coldly.

"Why are you here Dad?" I ask coldly.

"To see my little baby of course! How are you Mina?" he asked happily.

"Fine," I say, 'Until you got here,' I thought.

"That's good. Now, I do not approve of this relationship that you had with this young man!" he replied sternly.

"What makes you think that I would care what you say now?" I ask.

"Oh, I dunno... Maybe because I'm making you come back with me?"

"You're WHAT?" Sora and I say in unison.

"You can't do that Dad! I haven't seen or talked to you for over 10 years and now you're making me move in with you again!? Not happening!!" I yell at him, colder than ever.

"I won't allow it!" Sora adds.

"He is the reason I am still here and talking to you," I point at Sora, "And you, are the reason why I almost committed suicide!" Tears started to form in my eyes. "I am NOT going back with you! You never payed attention to me before, why now??" I shout at him.

He looks at me coldly. "Pack your things Mina. We're leaving tomorrow afternoon," he walks towards the door.


"Excuse me?" he says, emphasizing the "u" in "excuse".

"You heard me, I said "No". Now get the hell outta my house you heartless lump of nothing," I point at the door and he leaves immediately after he quickly slips on his shoes and grabs his beige coat.

As soon as he leaves and slams the door, I walk over to the couch and lay down.

"Are you alright Mina?" Sora asks. He rests his hand on my forehead to check to see if I have a fever.

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