Chapter 9

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            As the night went on, Emitt had joined the poesy of boys as well as Kat and I when they were around, and Alan, was in full flirt. He constantly took my phone, changing his contact to ‘AaAlan<33’ and changing the banner to ‘I <3 Alan’. He picked and poked so that I would ‘fight’ for it back, causing me to be closer to him than anyone else. Things changed a little as he went through my pictures. There were two pictures that I had on there and that I should have known better than to keep, pictures of my in my new swimsuit that I didn’t want him to see. I knew they were the fifth picture in and he was on the third.

            “Can I see that quick?” I smiled and fluttered my eye lashes, acting like usual. He smiled back.

            “Why? Hiding something?” his voice was joking and his smile was playful.

            “No, I just want my phone really quick.” I flashed another flirty smile as he pressed the arrow key again getting closer each time. “Please?” I asked again reaching for the zebra covered case. He jerked it away in a playful manner, then pressed the bottom one last time, exposing the first picture.

            “What’s this?” He asked sarcastically while looking at me. My face turned red with embarrassment. The boys all got up to look at the little device, all except Emitt.

            “Nothing.” I said quickly snatching the little device from his hand, but the others and Alan had all already seen it. Although, this didn’t change anything with any of the boys, it was still embarrassing. We all had talked and laughed and had a lot of fun, then the night had begun to end. People began to leave and give goodbyes. Alan, however, had not said a word to me, instead, he just left.


            My mom and sisters finally set out as well, going down the large stairs, now stained slightly with alcohol, and we headed to the car. My phone then went off and I jumped, looking at the new message that had come from ‘A aAlan<3’ ‘Hey’ he said, I replied and kept small talk with him. Emitt texted me after Alan and my conversation had begun. He talked mainly about the wedding then eventually veered off to the topic of the boys.

            “The guys all think you’re… hot? Lol.” That made me sort of giggle and feel good in a sense, an unfamiliar feeling lately.

            “Ha! Who said that?”

            “All of them, that all I heard when you weren’t around!”

            “hahaha, well I only had a real interest in one of them. (:”

            “Let me guess… Alan?”

            “… how’d you know?”

            “Jay, you were so obvious, just by how you looked at him and act around him I can tell you like him.”

            “Think he likes me? (:” I asked eagerly. A while had passed with nothing but I hadn’t thought much of it, I continued to text Alan. Until he eventually got tired and had told me goodnight. Emitt texted back right after setting my phone down.

            “He has a girlfriend…” I froze. My gut dropped and I was overly sad in an instant, all I could do was look at the phone that lit up the darkness of the interior of the car. No, Emitt’s kidding, he has to be, I know he is. Right? No, he is. Thoughts bounced within my head. I laid on my right side facing the window, a little tear drop ran across my cheek and hit the seat. I can’t believe this. I cried myself to sleep that night, not believing that I had done this to myself again.

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