Chapter 6

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            That day went on slowly as we ran into one another, like we had before, although now I felt that it were forced. Trying to avoid him only made things worse, and made the confrontations even more dramatic, but when the day ended, I felt a little better. Heading to the wide open track, completely avoiding Alex the entire way, I began to talk to Kelby and Kenna, who always made things better. Quickly, in full detail, I told them about my day, how he followed me, and how our ‘conversations’ went.

            “That’s a bit scary, like creepy.” Kelby blurted as she set her blocks.

            “Yeah, I was literally scared to turn the corner everywhere and see him!” I told her, trying to stress my point.

            “Did you talk to him about it at all?” Kenna asked me wide eyed, and concerned about the situation.

            “Kind of, but he just didn’t listen or take in what I was trying to get through.” I explained

            “You’re in track, so run, and just keep running until he gets it I guess.” Kelby told me abruptly followed by a laugh before she sprinted off across the strait away, jumping the hurdles that were half her height. I sighed and rolled my eyes, worrying about what tomorrow would be like, worrying about what the rest of this year would be like, and if it’d be like this. When would he get it, and understand I don’t want him?

            After practice, the routine continued like a normal day, laughing, talking, acting dumb, icing, them leaving and me waiting for the boys and my ride on the curb. My phone buzzed, making a loud noise on the concrete, flipping it over to see ‘Alex’.

            “Hey” the text read, I pressed the end button, and placed the phone back on the concrete, face down. Looking to my left where the clicking of cleats and metal bats arose I saw the guys headed my way. Finally! They all came to my side and the bench behind me, Trevin taking his usual place beside me on the curb.

            “So, how’d it go? Did you break the deal? Is he all, ‘Jaylee, come back’?” I just smiled and chuckled along with the rest of the guys and shook my head.

            “Kinda, I guess, he followed me around all day.” I looked at all their faces at once and watched the smiles disappear to disbelief.

            “Seriously?” AJ said, his blue eyes looking into mine, and his sandy blonde hair shining in the sunlight. I just nodded and smiled, he chuckled and looked away. “That’s creepy.”

            “Yeah, didn’t you tell him what I told you to say? ‘You suck, get a life, bye’” Trevin blurted, I just looked at him. “Oh yeah that’s right, you’re Jaylee, just add in a ‘Please’” He smiled as if he were satisfied with what he’d just said. I laughed and looked at the ground.

            “It’s harder than that, you really don’t get it.” I told him, my joking tone turning the conversation to a giant joke for all the guys.

            “Oh, I don’t get it! Right.” Trevin said

            “We’re just guys that's right!” Mickey added in quickly, making me laugh.

            “That’s right, I’m a girl, that just automatically makes me smarter and you wouldn’t understand anything that I say, it’s too much for your boy brains to process.” I told them directly with a wink as my ride pulled up and I lifted myself from the curb and jumped into the front seat throwing out a peace sign as I rode away. Distantly hearing the ‘Bye’s fade. I just smiled to myself and knew what was going to happen without a doubt.

What Led Me to YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora