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-3 weeks later-

August's POV

Over the past 3 weeks me and Mari have grown closer. One reason would be that we still are working on our project. Another reason would because we live together. Chuckles. Yea you heard that right. We live together. My moms kicked me out. She thinks I was out selling drugs and shit. She doesn't want me to end up like Melvin. Another nigga on streets slanging dope only to be killed in the aftermath. It's like she didn't even want to hear me out. I had walked in to the house and all my shit was at the front door packed. Her last words to me was " Get the fuck out my house and don't come back until you have to shit together. And I mean that". No " I love you son get better." But a " Fuck you. Don't come back". Fortunately, Kamari welcomed me with open arms. I kind felt out of place at first but she made it clear that it wasn't no problem. Unfortunately, I thought this would bring us closer together on another level. Boy was I wrong. I mean we flirt here and there but that's it. Aug don't do this playin games shit. Either she wants me or she don't. Clearly she made up her mind already.

Today was Friday. It wasn't no school today so I just decided to stay in. Kamari went to the mall Daisy and Sierra. They were the girls that helped her when she started to get jumped. So you know what means... Crib to myself. I pulled out my phone and called Jordan. She was a known hoe and I needa someone who I could release in. And the way her mouth set up. She does wonders.

Riiiinnng. Riiiinnng.

Her: hello?

Me: Wassgud Jordan.

Her: oh hey August 😏 what's up.

Me: You and that mouth. What y'all tryna do?

Her: ya miss us huh? Well Ight Imma come thru.

Me: 😂 Ight Imma text ya the addy. Hurry up.

I texted her the address and rolled up 2 blunts. By the time I was done  rolling the second one I heard a knock at the door. I got up and seen a cheerful Jordan as I open the door. She grabbed my belt loop and pulled me over to the couch.

She started to rub Mr.Classy through my pants and smirked at me. She soon felt a bulge come through my pants and slowly unbuckled my pants not breaking eye contact. I started to grow impatient as she unbutton and unzipped my pants revealing Mr.Classy himself. She put the tip in slowly caressing him up and down. The more she used her mouth the further Mr.Classy traveled. He been around the world and back in her shit. Soon as she started to get sloppy with it, I knew it was over for her. I roughly gave myself a hand job as I ejaculated all over her face. I stared at her with satisfaction. Jordan is not my type so there would never be an us. I'm not into white girls unless it's involving sexual activities. As we are just starring at other the front door opens. Revealing a laughing Kamari and friends. But soon her smile turned into a frown and her friends followed.

Kamari's POV

Every since the fight me, Daisy and Sierra have gotten real close. Even though this is our first time hanging out it we always used to text , FaceTime or call each other. We had a blast at the mall and was heading back over to my place since we ain't have shit to do. We got in my car- yes I said MY CAR- and headed my way. I open the door to me and August place laughing at Daisy goofy self only to witness a gruesome sight.  I was beyond pissed .

Me: yo wtf. Really August. Son you wilden on E!

Him: u-um its not wh-what it umm lo-looks like Mari.

Me: fuck your mean "it's not what it looks like "  when I clearly see all yo fucking kids laying on her face?

Him: Man for real tho. You need to chill cause all that ain't necessary.

Me: aye yo shawty you needa to get you shit and bounce before I beat Both YOU and HIS ass.

She grabbed her shit and left. I looked over at August sizing his ass up. Daisy and Sierra told me that would FaceTime me later and left. So it only left me and and August.

Him: yo why you acting like that?

Me: my neez you ain't serious right na' . You had some Thot up in my shit with yo cum all over her face . Not only that but you did the shit  on my couch. You ain't even have the decency to take to yo room and you wanna know why I buggin? Fuck outta here. You dead got me tight right now.

Him: Look Mari. We lived together. Imma see shit I don't like and you gone see shit you don't  like . So don't come at me sideways on some fuck shit. You made it clear you wasn't looking for a relationship so you can't get mad who I fuck with.

Me: yea yea whatever Yungin

I can't believe his ass. It's like every time we take one step forward we fall three steps back. Ugh. I want him but I don't to rush into things. I am so angry that I could kill somebody. So I do the next best thing. Take a shower. That way I could wash off all the negative thoughts.

30 mins later I returned to my room with nothing but a towel wrapped around my wet body. August was just sitting on my bed.... For what reason? I have no clue.

Me:aye can you get out so I can put on my clothes?

Him: why ? I promise I want look.

I was hesitant but gave in eventually. He turned his head and closed his eyes. I dropped the towel and quickly slipped on some underwear and a bra. I started to lotion up my body .

As I bent down to get legs I felt a very hard thick item on my buttocks 😂. I quickly arose only to my accompanied by his slight breathing on my neck. He place soft kisses up and down my neck as he rubbed my pearl. The more he rubbed me the wetter I became . He didn't make it any better by whispering in my ear with his thick as accent.

Him: damn baybeh. You wet for a nigga huh😏?

I my legs began to shake as my body became numb to the feeling. He picked me up and put me on the dresser and started to tease me even more. His lips traveled from my neck to my breast to my navel causing me to arch my back in pleasure. I looked at him as he made his way to my other set of lips. Just as he was about to get down to the nitty gritty his phone started to blow up. He looked at me and went to answer his phone.

I sighed in frustration and fixed myself. I grabbed some sweatpants and a tank top and put them on my body. I heard August get really sad to the point he almost broke down.

I walked in front of him waiting for him to get off the phone.

Him: really?....Ight !.......she ok? ..... What hospital?...... St.Joseph ! ... Room 331. Ok I'm one my way.

He hangs up.

Me: what's wrong?

Him: my niece 😔 kayden. She in the hospital. She had fell down a flight of stairs running to get some ice cream. I need to go see her.

Me: okay. I'm sorry August..... You want me to go ?

Him: naah this is a moment only for family. No offense ma.

Me: nun taken 😌 just keep me posted. I'm here if need me.

He nodded and kissed me before he left. I swear he confuses me. One minute we arguing next minute we all cuddled up. I can't keep doing this back and forth shit with him. It's either he wants me or he doesn't. Simple. But for right now I am just going to be there for him. He's been thru a lot in the past month. I hope his niece gets better. I dreaded off to sleep with August heavy on my mind.


😂😂Jordan just nasty.

I hope lil Kay-Kay gets better.

Aug and Mari almost had sex? Jesus😍💕💦🍆

Comment and rate. 😈 Tell me what you think 😁💯

- Laady Yungin' 😘

His Hustler (August Alsina Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang