Chapter 9

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Annie stared at her reflection in the mirror, murmuring, “I can’t believe I let him talk me into this.”

The girl staring back was a foreign version of Annie, something from an alternate dimension.  She had surprised herself that she’d been capable of such a transformation without assistance.

When Luke had asked her to be cowgirl to his Indian, she had assumed she’d be wearing the same skirt and boots to the mixer that she’d worn to the Project Party.  Oh, how wrong she’d been.  He’d had other plans for the mixer and conveniently waited until the last minute to spring them on her.

She still wore her own boots, but that was where her wardrobe stopped and Luke’s costume began.  Tucked into those boots were the tightest blue jeans she’d ever owned, paired with a black shirt cut to look like a vest.  The outfit was completed with a black duster that hit her mid-thigh but wasn’t actually large enough to button over her chest.  It sported a silver star, signifying she was some sort of cowgirl authority.  She even had a black hat with some silver sparklies to round out the costume.

It wouldn’t have been all that bad.  Even she had to admit her bum looked pretty good inside these jeans.  But the so-called vest was low cut and she eyed her chest in the mirror, positive she didn’t even show this much cleavage in her swimming suit.

Adding to the effect was the eyeliner, mascara and lipstick she’d applied and the long ringlets she’d curled into her hair. 

She walked a fine line between sexy and trashy.  Luke assured her it would be sexy.  Why he cared, she wasn’t sure.  She was guessing it had something to do with proving that she fit in with the rest of the Greeks without problem.

She hadn’t felt the need to prove anything but as always when it came to Luke, he had pushed her to wear the costume until she’d caved.

“Annie!  Are you ready?”

Annie gave her cleavage one last amused glance and then turned to grab her ID and some money.  Where she would carry it, she had no idea.  There was no way anything would fit inside her pockets.

“I’m coming!” she answered Jen, heading for her door.

Jen stood in the hall by the front door, waiting.  Her eyes widened when she saw Annie emerge and then a smirk spread across her face.

“Who are you and what have you done with my roommate?”

“Shut it.” Annie growled.

Jen couldn’t keep from laughing.  “Annie, you are one hot tamale.  How in the world did Luke ever convince you to dress like this?”

“I don’t know.  I think he must have slipped me something or hit me over the head.  I don’t look utterly ridiculous, do I?”

“Far from it.  You look drop dead gorgeous.  You’ll be fending off the guys tonight.  I’m thinking we shouldn’t show Brent any pictures or even talk about this.  You’d never do this for him . .  .” Jen trailed off but held Annie’s gaze for a moment.

Annie knew what she was thinking.  If she wouldn’t get dolled up like this for Brent, why was she doing it for Luke?  She had no answer for that.

“Let’s just go, please.  Before I chicken out.”

Jen motioned to the front door with a flourish.  “Lead the way, Madame Sheriff.”

Annie rolled her eyes and pushed her way out the door, holding it for Jen.  “You look pretty good yourself there, Ms. Greek Goddess.  You have a name?”

“I doubt any of these people even know who the real Greeks were, but I decided I’m Athena.  She was the goddess of wisdom.  I found it fitting seeing as how we’re from the honors fraternity.”

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