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Rule #1

Only one entry per person per contest. If we find out you enter more than one, your entry will be eliminated and so will all future entries. It is the trust system. We're good until you try to cheat.

Rule #2

This is a simple one-shot contest, therefore, your entry can only be one page. That does not mean that you should cram everything in one document. If your entry is too lengthy, I think your chance of winning decreases. Any judge will get tired or lose interest after the first 50 pages.

If you have a book of one-shots, please but the currently hashtag in the chapter title so we can find it, and dedicate that chapter to us. (If you're on a phone, you can just mention stopslutshaming and we'll get notified.)

Rule #3

Re-submitting a previous one-shot is not allowed. You can base the new one-shot off of the same characters or whatnot, but you can not edit the theme and season to fit the new prompt. That is called cheating.

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