I sat down and began to cry . Maybe I will be like Marie and Jack will be like Luis . Hopefully this is a one time thing .

"Katherine?" "Yes ?" "Supper is ready " "oh , I'll be right there " I walked down to the dining hall . "Where's Jack dear ?" "Oh there's some problems in New Russia so he's leaving tomorrow morning and right now he's getting some flight plans and a backup strategy in order " I said taking my seat.  Marie looked at me ' don't make me say I told you so ' while she drank her water . "Well what's the problem with new Russia ?" "They found a loop hole in the treaty and refuse to sign it " "loop hole for ?" "Us " "oh , I'm sorry dear " "I'm sure Jack will do just fine " my mother said patting my hand . I looked at the table .

My father sat at the head my mother at the other end . Jonas sat next to father , and I next to mother . While Luis and Marie where on the other side of the table across from me . It was like I was 16 again . My mother would talk about how we've all grown and hopeful she'll have a grandchild soon . She looked at me instead of Marie and Luis when she was talking about a grandchild . My father would talk about politics for five minutes then him , Luis and Jonas would begin to talk about baseball. Marie and my mother would talk about France's fashion and I would just listen . If Jack where here we could at least have some conversation between us .

"Dinner was lovely wasn't it ?" My mother said . I hadn't even realized we were done . I had hardly touched my plate . Just like when I was younger and bored at dinner . "I see Kathy Kat still doesn't eat much " Luis said standing up . "Yeah , if you excuse me in going upstairs to bed I'm tired " I said . My mother nodded.

I walked up the stairs and went to my room . Jack was still typing away on the computer. "Honey , you missed dinner " I said putting a hand on his shoulder . "I know , I just have to write something down " "darling I know but it's late , you need to eat " " so ?" "I'm calling a maid to bring you up some food " "no I'm fine " "Jack " "I'm fine !" "Please it will worry me if you don't eat " "okay I'll eat " "thank you " I said .

There was a knock at the door and I opened it . "Thank you " the maid bowed and I took the food to Jack . "Here honey " I said . He took a bite of a sandwich and three fries and a sip of water . "Done " he said . I sighed at him . "Honey , eat some more please ?" I asked "no , I have to finish " he said . I rolled my eyes . What else can I do ? I sat next to him and kissed his cheek. He continued to work . I moved my lips to his jaw and then neck . He rolled his eyes and looked more on the laptop in front of him . I then sat up . What is gonna work on this guy ? Idea !

I unbuttoned my shirt . I was just wearing my skirt , heels , and bra . Jack looked real quick and then went back to work . So much for a hormonal 18 year old . I unzipped my skirt , now standing I front of him just heels and underwear . Jack blinked at me and began to read a paper .

I sat next to him and took his hands . I put them on my waist . "Honey -" he started . I then kissed his lips harshly . I kissed his neck and undid his tie and shirt . He sat in front of me . His shirt open and his lips red . I pushed him back in the couch . "Jack won't you come to bed ? We said we'd finish what we started this morning in the shower " "right now Katherine j need to write up a new treaty . Go get some sleep " "fine " I said getting up .
I kicked my heels off and went to the bathroom . So much for finishing what we started! I got a nightgown on and went to bed . Jack had his shirt buttoned up and his colleagues on the phone . "No , listen I'm flying out tomorrow morning . Okay , I understand that . Royal One . Yes , out of California. Okay . Meddas coming with me ... Yep .... Bye " "wait , Medda is coming with you ?" " honey -" "your aunt is coming and I can't come ? Your aunt isn't even the god damn queen ! " "honey she handles these type of things really well . And the new Russian queen " "and you think that I would never find out ?" "Honey - .... I was kinda hoping you wouldn't " "so you're going to keep secrets from me ?" "Ka-" "you know what go ahead and don't eat ! Go to new Russia with your aunt ! I don't care ! It's not like I didn't want a divorce two weeks ago ! " "Katherine please its politics " "and you think as your co-ruler I shouldn't know ? " "Darling -" "don't darling me . I'm going to bed " I said and walked into the bedroom .

I closed my eyes and held onto the sheets . My tears streamed out of me . Why would he hid something like this from me . How can I trust him ? How can we have a normal healthy relationship between us?

Jacks POV :

It was morning and I was asleep in the couch . I blinked "sir , it's 5:45 your leaving in 30 minutes " "oh okay , Can you get Clara to wake up Katherine?" " of course how come ?" "We had a fight last night " "what ?" "She's upset cause Meddas coming and she's not " "oh Jack , I'll get Clara "

Clara walked in and then a moment later Katherine came out . Her eyes looked puffy . "We'll leave you to it , come in Davey " Clara said taking his arm . He mouthed me "good luck " .

"Darling -" "do you have your stuff packed ?" She asked "yeah , I just need to pack my laptop and stuff " I said . "Okay , go take a shower and I'll pack " "Katherine-" "go !" She yelled at me . I sighed and went to the shower .

I came back after my shower and saw her crying . My bag was packed and her head was in her hands . I walked over to her . I was still just in my towel around my waist . "Katherine-" "oh , I'm done . I'm going back to bed " she said standing up . I grabbed her hand . "Listen -" "no it's fine . I'm tired " "Katherine, I love you so much " "okay " "and I'm only bringing Medda because it's my first time doing this . I know for a fact she'll help me and she'll teach me . This isn't because I don't wanna bring you . Honey , if I could I would , but now it's the time . I love you . Love you tons and I want to take you but it's just not ready . It wouldn't be fair . New Russia has only the king taking control , he would be intimidated by you . Also he would hit on you . He's 53 he's wife is 47 and old . She has had 7 kids . He doesn't find himself attracted to her and if he saw you he would hit on you . And knowing me id punch him if he hit on you . And where would that get us ? No where . I promise you I'll get this done real quick. I'll be home as soon as possible. " "are you going to be back for my father's birthday ?" "I'll try my hardest " "for sure ?" "For sure " "okay , " she then started crying again . "Hey , what's the matter ?" I asked wiping her tear with my thumb . "I'm gonna miss you " "oh Katherine, I'm going to miss you so much . I'll call you every day . Okay ? I'll be here soon ." "Alright"

I got dressed and she put her robe on . Katherine took my hand and a butler took my stuff . Clara and Davey where there . A small car was out there . "I'll call you as soon as I land " I told her . "Do you have to go ?" She said . "Yes , I love you " "I love you too " she stood on her toes and kissed me . I kissed her back . She put her arms around my waist . Her lips wouldn't leave my mouth and I didn't want them to . "Sir it's time to go " the driver said .
Katherine pulled away and hugged me "don't please... Stay with me ..." She whispered. "Katherine you know I have too " I said still hugging her . "Please don't " "I don't want to " I said kissing her forehead.
"Katherine you need to let him go" Clara said . Katherine just held onto me tighter . "Come on now , he has to go , he'll be back soon " Davey said . She held onto me tighter . Davey and Clara looked at each other and then took Katherine's hands off my waist . Clara held Katherine in a hug and Davey put an arm around Katherine to keep her there and I knew he would .
I entered the car and Katherine cried harder into Clara's shoulder . Davey pat her back .

As we drove off I could see Katherine crying hard . It hurt me so bad . No one had a clue how much I wanted to jump out of the car and hold Katherine. But I knew my country was counting on me , but so was my wife . Davey and Clara tried to calm her down as she cried harder and we left .

This chapter hurts so much !

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