Chapter 45

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Previously on 'Harry's Secret Sister':

"We didn't want to say anything earlier but you can't get married Julie." Mum said as we entered the kitchen.

"Your mothers right, you're too young, you've only been seeing Liam for a month, lots of things could go wrong, I think it's best if you tell him you can't get married." Robin agreed.


"Why would you say that to her?" I heard Harry ask, he sounded frustrated.

"We're doing this because we love her. We don't want her to get hurt." Mum said.

I was standing at the door of the kitchen but to the side so they wouldn't see me. I know eavesdropping is bad but it's about me.

"Why are you defending her?" Robin asked sort of pissed off.

"Have you seen how happy she is? I bet you don't even know what's she's gone through, you should be happy that she's happy. If she gets hurt, then you pick up the pieces. You shouldn't be killing her happiness because she too young. Have you even met Liam? He's the nicest lad I know. If anything, you should be honored to have Liam out of all people propose to her. Did you not see how happy she was and still is when she came home? She didn't stop smiling for an hour." Harry said and started to walk towards me at the door.

I quickly tried my best to get as far away from the door as I could.

I opened the closest door and hid in there. Turns out, I'm now stuck in the closet because the door is locked from the outside.

I took my phone out of my pocket and opened up a quick text to Harry.

'Can you come get me out of the closet in the hallway? The door locked me in'

The door opened and Harry didn't look happy. His hair looked like it had been pulled at multiple times. His face in general just had a cold look.

"Thanks." I said slipped past him but he grabbed my arm.

"You heard didn't you?" He asked and I looked down.

"Yea, I heard."

"I'm sorry." He said before hugging me.

"There's only like four days until Christmas, do you need to go out and get anything?" He asked before pulling away from the hug.

"No, I have everything I need." I told him.

"Everything will be okay." He said and patted my shoulder before walking off.

I walked up the stairs into my room and sat down. It's been a long day. I looked at the clock and noticed it was almost seven.

I opened up my suitcase to find some sweatpants and a plain black tank top.

I walked down stairs into the kitchen to see if someone was making dinner.

"Mum?" I called out looking around.

"Dinners on the stove." she called back reading my mind.

I looked at the stove and saw that there was some chicken left with a pile of plates next to it.

I took a plate and out one piece of chicken, grabbed a fork and went to the living room around the corner.

The second I sat down my phone started ringing. Liam's name flashed across the screen.

I put my plate on the side table and ran up to my room.

"Hello." I said once I answered the phone.

"Hey angel, I'm home." He said and I heard rustling in the background.

"That's good." I said as I felt guilty that I had to tell him we can't get married.

"I miss you." He said.

"I miss you too." I replied.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing." I gave a short answer.

"Are you alright? You seem a little off, is something bothering you?" He asked concerned.

I sighed loudly.

"Well, after you left today, my mum and dad told me that we can't get married. I'm sorry Liam I didn't know they would do something like this." I said sounding so guilty. He stayed quiet for awhile before sighing softly.

"I knew I should've asked Robin, I should've waited, it's too soon, we've only been together for a month. I knew I should've waited. If someone in your family doesn't like it, how would the fans react?" It sounded like he was just talking to himself at this point.

"I don't know Li, maybe we could find a solution to this, we could stay engaged for a year maybe?" I really don't want to call off the engagement.

This is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love Liam with all my heart. I love the idea of spending the rest of my life with him.

"I mean Zayn and Perrie were engaged for two years. We could stay engaged for a year. You'd still be on break and you wouldn't have to take time out of work for a honeymoon." I told him.

"You know how their engagement ended right? But we could do that." He said and I could hear the smile in his voice.

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