Chapter 4

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Previously on 'Harry's Secret Sister':

"Okay. I love you and miss you." He said sounding so desperate to talk to me. God I miss him so much.

"Julie why are you up? And who are you taking to? You know it's only two in the morning? Go to sleep!" Natalia came into my room asking me question after question.

"I'll explain in the morning."

"Damn right you are!"

Honesty I don't know if she's really mad at me for waking her up or she's just playing but I don't really care to be honest.


I woke up around ten thirty and was almost immediately questioned about last night.

"Who was on the phone?"

"Why did this person call at two in the morning?"

"You know other people are trying to sleep don't you?"

"Does this person always call so early?"

"Why'd you pick up the phone so early in the morning?"

"Uh...Well, actually I wouldn't have picked up the phone if I wasn't receiving a call from Harry?" I said making it sound more like a question.

"Was he on drugs? Does he know that you live with us in America?"

"I don't think he knows, actually."

"Well what did he call for?"

"He called and he was drunk, he said he missed me and he loves me and that he thinks I'd get mad at him because he's been drinking. I felt so bad because he sounded so mad at himself. I hated it. I hated it so much." I told her while tears gathered in my eyes.


"I didn't think it was important. I just want to see him. I miss him so much."

"What'd you tell him?"

"I said I love him and I miss him and for him to call me in the morning. When he's sober." I said letting a tear escape.

Natalia just pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back.

"Where is he?" She asked.

"Honestly I don't know."

"Well when he calls tell him that you haven't been living in London for more than two years."

"Alright. I mean I guess he deserves to know."

"What if he doesn't call back?" I asked letting my anxiety get to me.

"Hey, he promised, didn't he?"

"Yeah but was also drunk when I asked if he would call back." I told her.

"He's Harry, he always pulls through. You'll be fine."

She was right. Every time Harry promised something, he held up his end of the bargain. Expect for the last promise he had made.

"I miss him. I miss him so much that it hurts." I told her on the verge of crying.

"I know you do. I know."

What she doesn't know is that sometimes, I hurt myself when I miss him more than other days.

I never told anyone. I know I should but I feel like everyone would be disappointed in me.

I always cover up my scars and fresh cuts with concealer and a little powder to even out the color.

I feel like people would look at me different, or make fun of me. People can never know the reason why I do this. Mainly because its Harry. And people can't know that I'm his sister. So if I told anyone besides Natalia or Mum, they'd think I'm crazy.

"Why does she miss him so much if they're not related?"

That'd be stupid. I know. It's way too early for all this to be going on.

I should just call him instead.

I rang his number and got voicemail. I tried again. Voicemail.

Okay, third times a charm right? I tried again.

"Hello?" He sounded like he just woke up.

"Harry? Sorry did I wake you?"

"Yea, you did, do you mind? Who's calling anyway?"

"Harry, it's me. Julie. Your little sis-"

"Yeah I know who you are Jules, but why are you calling me so early?" His tone softened.

"Harry you called me last night. Do you remember?"

"Uh," I could picture him scratching the back of his neck. "Not really no, I don't remember."

"Well you did, you said you loved me and that you miss me, where are you right now?"

"Uh, my hotel room..."

"No shit, where like in the world?"

"I think we're in Nevada actually, why?"

"Do you know where I live right now?"

"With Mum?"

"No I live in LA, Harry were in the same time zone, it's almost noon. I want to see you if that's okay, we needa talk face to face."

"We might be able to I mean, why not?"

"Last night you promised you'd call me back today, you told me you loved me and missed me, you told me that you were scared that I'd be mad at you because you were drinking. That's why you stopped calling, Harry please tell me you remember some of it?" I asked sounding desperate.

He thought for a moment.

"Yeah I think it's all coming back to me, I'll check with Liam to see if we have anything to do today. Ill text you, alright?"

"Alright, bye, I love you."

"I love you too Julie. See you soon."

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