Chapter Twenty One: I Won't Stop You

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      I laid on the perch with Daryl. He had his arm draped around me while he slept but I couldn't. I still haven't talked to Merle and he hasn't came inside for hours. I slipped out of his grasp and pulled a jacket around me. I walked outside looking for Merle. I opened the guard tower and walked up. He sat on the side closest to the walkers looking down. "Hey." "You shouldn't be walking around with that ankle."

      "Tryin' to get rid of me already?" "Nah.. Daryl's happy you're back." "He's happy about you too Merle. I saw Shane, Lori, Sophia, Callie, Sophia the second. I saw them, talked to them." 

       "That was the pain." I sat next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. "I don't think it was." The picture of the little girl flashed through my mind. Long brown hair, stormy eyes and a small smile. I wondered if I would ever get a chance to have a baby. I didn't know if I wanted one in this world. I just wanted one with Daryl. I walked away from Merle and went back to Daryl. I grabbed my revolver and walked down to the tombs. I leaned against the wall and slid down it. I flipped it and stared down the barrel. Flipping it, I stared at the trigger. One more flip. "What are you doing?" "You could call it deciding."

        "So now you're a coward?" "I was always a coward. I wanted to run off and not return, I was terrified every time I took a breath." He grabbed my hands and knelt in front of me. "I won't stop you but I wont leave you." I stared into his eyes. "I fell in love with you Daryl. It was the best thing that happened to me but now its time for me to go. There's only one place to go and it's up." I put the barrel to my head and he took my other hand. "I love you."

         The sound of the shot shook me to my bones. I gripped her hand as tight as I could. "I love you too, Randy." Her body was limp in my arms as I walked her up. Everyone stared at me as I walked through. Crying and screams fell from people's mouths. Merle was the first to meet me at the door. "What happened?" "She broke, Merle.. She broke and I wasn't there to fix her."

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