Chapter Seven: Escape

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     I was thrown into the dirt and people stared at me. "She's a beaut ain't she?" "Fuck you!" I kicked at him and he kicked me in the stomach. "Stupid bitch." I got off the ground and he knocked me back to the ground. What is up with this damn world? "You know you killed our friends." "They pulled their guns on us." "No not them. The three from Atlanta." He slammed my head into the ground and walked across me.

     "Sorry about him. It was his brother you killed." I watched a girl throw up and she was sweating. "What's wrong with her?" "I don't know." "I'm a doctor let me see if I can help her." He nodded and walked me over. I looked her over quickly and she grabbed my arm. "Help me..." 

       "Where's the nearest town?" "The one you were just at." "I need to go there. You can have someone come with me but I need a few things." He nodded and walked to a car. 

       When we got into town I thought about running but I couldn't leave the girl like that. Walkers surrounded the whole town so I had to take it on from the roof. The town doctor was down the road. "Why did you take me?" "Because they could." I shook my head and jumped to the next building. I kicked the air vent in and went through the duct. I got above an office and opened the vent. "Cover me." "Take this." He handed me a bag and I jumped down. I went through the desk and found a stethoscope. I opened the door to see it empty. Nothing was even torn up. 

      I climbed back in the duct and got back on the roof. "Thought you weren't coming back." "I'm not leaving someone like that." We got back down to the truck and went back. People stared when I stepped out. I kneeled next to the girl and found a cut on her back. "Can we get some privacy here?" They helped me get her into a large tent and I cleaned the wound. I gave her some antibiotics from the office and got her some water. "Can you check if I'm pregnant?" I nodded and took out the stethoscope. I lifted her shirt and listened for a heartbeat. When I heard it she started to cry. "How old are you?" "Thirteen.. You need to run." I opened the tent and someone grabbed me. 

      He pulled me off the ground by my hair and I kicked him in the nuts. He fell to the ground and I took off running. I led them to the right and once I got far enough I climbed up a tree so they couldn't follow my trail back to the farm. They followed the trail and started looking around below me. My foot slipped and they saw me. They pulled me down and started beating the crap out of me. I laid on the ground trying to protect myself.

      When everyone fell asleep in their tents I took the chance to leave. My hands were tied but I couldn't stay another night. I ran through the woods occasionally falling due to my lack of movement. I could hear the shouting behind me as I made my escape.

      It was daylight by the time I reached the highway. I didn't know where else to go. I just know I couldn't lead them back to the farm. I sat on a car hood eating a jar of peanut butter. There was no sign on the men following me so I took a breather. A car came coming down the road and I hid under a car. I saw a pair of boots and tried not to make a noise.

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