Chapter Thirteen: The Prison

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     "I'm going out to hunt. Keep a look out." "I'm gonna go with you." "That's fine." We walked outside going straight to the woods. He kept close behind me looking around. Everything was pretty quiet going through the woods. After a while we started following an old rail road track hoping it would lead somewhere. I only shot a rabbit since we left the house. Rick was too busy worrying to even look for anything other than answers.

      "What the hell is that?" "A prison.." We ran back to the house and gathered everyone. It was easy getting down there. We covered Rick while he cut a hole in the fence. I hurried everyone in and got the wire to close it up. We jogged up to the main fence and looked around for a plan of attack. "It's perfect if we shut the gate and take the field." "I'll do it." "Its a suicide run." I bit my lip and looked up at the fence.

        "I'll go. Carol, Rick take that guard tower. Maggie, Beth and Glenn get as many walkers as you can to that fence. Hershel go with T-Dog." I grabbed the clips and Lori opened the gate. I started running up dodging walkers. I shot the ones that got too close. I was getting there whenever a bullet hit right in front of my feet. I kicked a walker in and locked the gate. Two more walkers outside and the one in the guard tower. I was clear. "Light it up!"

       "We haven't had this much space since we left the farm." Glenn helped me move the bodies away from where we were staying for the night. Hershel made a small fire and we cooked the rabbit. I was on watch while Rick continued to go around the perimeter. "I brought you some food. I know if I didn't you wouldn't eat anything." "Thanks. Do you think we'll see him again Carol?" "Who? Daryl? He never stays lost for long." "Can I ask you something?"

      "Anything." "How do you know you're in love?" "Well.. how have you felt before?" I shrugged and kicked at the metal. "I've never been in love." She smiled and almost started laughing until she realized I was serious.

      "You two are a lot alike. More than either of you two know. I think he loves you too. He won't make the first move though." I laughed and nodded. "I miss him. Its been almost a month now. I.. I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't come back." I started crying and hiding it from her wasn't working.

       "You're in love Miranda." She smiled and left. I sat down and started poking holes in the metal with my knife. Love.. if this is it. I'm not sure I want it.

       When there was enough light we decided to take on the yard. Lori, Beth and Hershel stayed in the field while T-Dog, Maggie, Glenn and I joined Rick to take out the walkers. I was using Daryl's crossbow since his was quicker than my bow. We went in back to back so we would all be covered. "T-Dog! Don't break formation!" "Miranda!" I turned and saw two walkers in front of me. I kicked them back and split their heads in half. 

       I had to go in with just my knife after I lost the arrows. Rick looked around the corner to see another gate open. That's when the walkers came out wearing riot gear. I stabbed another walker and ran to help Rick close the gate. We stopped for a minute and looked at the dead.. well the dead, dead. "Stop." "It looks secure." "Not judging by that courtyard over there and that's a civilian." "We need to push in."

       I followed Rick and grabbed the door. We were ready to see walkers but instead ran into another gate. It looked like it had been secured. Smelled like hell though. I kept my eye on the cell block while Rick went to check the guard space. He walked down with a set of keys so we went into cell bock c. It didn't feel right at all. Everyone was creeped out by this place. I was walking by a cell when a walker reached out. We killed the two of them and tossed them down to T-Dog.

      "I'm not sleeping in some cage. I'll take the perch." I have to admit it was better than a lot of places we've been in. Everyone went straight to a cell to fall asleep. It was still the middle of the day but none of us could really sleep in the field. I sat against the wall and stared at the ground. Where ever he is I pray he's safe.

      "Miranda?" Carol motioned towards the cell block so I walked back with her. Lori sat on her bed terrified. "It's the baby I think I lost it." "Hold that thought. Where's Sophia?" "Asleep." I nodded and Hershel walked in. "I think you should take care of this. I need to get ready." 

     I walked out of the cell and Carol followed me. "What's wrong?" "Nothing. Hershel is taking care of her." I walked back down with Rick and grabbed the crossbow. We walked back out of the cell block and went in the corridor thingy. Only a few of us carried flashlights. The rest of us pretty much were blind. Glenn tagged the way out in case anything happened. I was next to Rick pretty much the whole time. We went down a corner and stopped completely. "Go back." We started running and kept running into walkers. I pushed us into a closet and waited for the walkers to pass. 

     I was about to follow Rick when Hershel turned back. A walker bit his leg and he screamed. Walkers came back towards us and T-Dog broke a lock off the door. We held it shut while Rick chopped off Hershel's leg. "Duck.." I aimed the bow over and saw live inmates. "Hell.." Just fantastic.. 

    "I have a shot." "Not yet Miranda." "Come on out slow and steady." "We need to go!" I opened the door and killed the walkers on the way back. We rushed him back hoping for a clear way through. I saw the inmates following us but we didn't have enough time. I shut the door to the block and put my leg on the bench to steady me. I aimed at the door and waited. "That's far enough." "Cell block C. Let me in my cell." "Today's your lucky day fellas. You've been pardoned by the state of Georgia. You're free to go."

     "What's going on in there." "None of that is your concern." We started fighting until Rick came in.

"There's no need for this. Miranda go on." I shook my head and he told me to go back again. I left and went to check on Hershel. I traded Carol places and held the bandages to his wound. Today has been one hell of a day so far. If he was here I know he wouldn't take the prisoners bullshit. He would know how to handle men like them.

     "Miranda I need your help clearing out a cell block." "Well I'm a little busy. Take T-Dog."  "I can't. I need someone I can trust to have my back." I nodded and Carol took over again. I walked with Rick and we went down to the cafeteria again. We walked to the pantry and my mouth dropped. "You call this a little?" "Goes fast." "If you don't know how to control yourself." "You sure do have a mouth on you. I'd like to test it for myself." 

     "Better watch yours before I cut it out of your face." "Doubt it." Rick stepped in and moved me back. "I wouldn't be so sure about. I've seen her cut off a man's ears." We started picking up our half of the food and piled it in a cell for the time being.

     We went back in to clear out a cell block. I was nervous being in the dark with a bunch of killers. The only I trust is Axel. He looks more afraid of Tomas than the walkers. All the way through everyone kept breaking formation. Rick and I just watched them beat the walkers to death. It was rather humorous. We continued to walk through. Slowly they realized how to take care of them. I was busy killing the walkers when I noticed Big Tiny run off. I went after him ad got to him just as a walker scratched his back. We were talking about what to do when Tomas started beating his head in. I hid behind Rick and watched him walk away. "Scared?" "Of him yes. Of everything else not really."

      "If he makes one move." "Just give me the signal." We walked through the laundry and tossed Tomas the keys. "Open only one of those doors." We watched him and he took a few tries but opened both doors. "I said one!" "Shit happens." I gave Rick a look before shooting and stabbing walkers. Tomas pushed one onto Rick and he held me back. I elbowed Tomas in the face and killed the walker. I aimed the bow at Oscar just as Tomas was killed by Rick. I walked over to Axel and stuck my hand out. 

      "I'm Miranda by the way." "I'm Axel, Miss. I had no idea what he was doing I swear." "I believe you." Rick came back and we continued to the cell block. "I knew these guys. They were good men."

"If you think this is sick don't go outside. I'm sorry about your friends." We were walking back when I stopped at the laundry room. I grabbed clean sheets and pillow cases. Rick walked over and grabbed a few himself. We walked back and got the news Hershel stopped breathing but Lori got him back. I went up and changed everyone's sheets.

      "I think we should all get some sleep. It's been a long day." None of us needed another word. I laid down with Daryl's crossbow next to me before falling asleep. It's like a part of him is here. Guarding us.

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