Chapter 5

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The picture is amia when she was younger and before she had the white strand of hair. So this was around the time she was 6-8 years old. Also her hair turned darker through the years but its only two shades darker. 

Amia POV

I woke up at 7:30. I decided to get ready early and wait in the inside garden Libary. Getting dressed was easy but I figured I should use the ribbon and tie it on my right thigh instead of hair. I looked pretty good. When I got to the entrance of the gardens.

Garden gaurd1 pov

A young lady walked to us. 

"Hello. may I enter" she asked

"You have to be of higher of captain rank or permission to come in here" I said. She smirked

"Right hand warrior of queen layla. One half of the deadly duo. Leader of sqauds 100 to 130. Nobility of another country. I am Amia Ibuki Haan. May I come through" said the girl. She doesn't look like her.

"Um we need proof" my co worker said. She smiled. She reached into her boot. She pulled of a metal tag. She showed us all the engraved thing. 

"This enough" she asked. I nodded

"Good. Also when 9 guys and girls around my age come here lead them to the indoor garden libary. " she said. We all nodded.

"Thanks." she said putting the tag back. Then standing back up. She walked past us with the aura of warmth around her. Like queen laylas.

Amia POV

I walked into the Libary. I waved at the libaryian. Her name was Betty. I became friends with her after I was 10 years old. I read books here. By the way the entrance to here is on the second floor. So I walked down the stairs. I walked to Bettys desk. Also betty is only 20 years old. She's been the librarian here since she was 10 after her mother died. She's shy but since we met at a younger age. She was 14 I was 10.  

"Sup Betty you look amazing as usual." I said. She smiled kindly. Her long black and blonde wavy hair shifting. Her pink eyes looking at my blue. Her Pretty Pink cat ears twitching and her fuzzy curly pink tail swishing. Yeah. Betty is a Neko. Her father was a neko but her mother was a human witch.

"You look fabulous also" she said.

"Any new books I can read or just free for all on harry potter" I said

"There is  a new book we got yesterday. Its name is "Chains of the Angel" you want it?nya" Asked betty.

"Hmmm sure. I'll read it here since I have people coming here later" I said. Looking at the vines and hanging flowers on the walls and the big pine tree in the middle of the floor. Small birds flyling through rafters. Sun filtering down from the windows. Betty reached under her desk and handed me a semi thick book.

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