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I wanted to add music but it wouldn't s search the song up sorry

Sean POV
I went to (Y/N's) room to find a note

Dear Sean and Mark,
As you read this I've left but in not going far I just need time to think. I have something important to tell you both that will effect our lives. No Mark I'm not pregnant. Just meet me at the park at 8 tonight no later.


Anti POV
I went to fucking far with her. Why do I have to hit on every girl I see. I didn't want her to see that side of me. The domination, the flirt, the Irish ass I am. She brought that out of me no matter how much I tried to hide it. It always comes out eventually. It unfair I wish I could change time

Sean POV
I need her and it's 10 minutes till 8. I can't stop thinking everything went well I wanted her to come back to Ireland, ask her to marry me but something is changing tonight I don't know what i just feel it"

"Sean it's almost time to 8 we should start going"

We started walking I didn't say a word I didn't want to talk to anyone until I knew she was okay I don't want to lose her. I hear singing the same song I heard her sing.

"And that's what makes a man
Not hard to understand
Perfect in every way
I see it in his face
Nothing more to say
It's in his D-D-D-DNA

It's the blue in his eyes that helps me see the future
Fingerprints that leave me covered for days, yeah, hey, yeah
Now I don't have any first degree
But I know, what he does to me
No need to work it out, it's so familiar, oh, oh, oh"

I looked to see a girl in a white dress and a red jacket. (Y/N's) red jacket.
I ran up and hugged her.

"(Y/N) I thought I lost you never do that again please I don't know what I would do without you" I confessed.

She stayed quiet and just started laughing and softly said "Wrong girl sweetie" I looked down to see it was Cherry. She snapped her fingers and was standing in front of me in a black dress with what looked like Pewdiepie, Crys, Sky and Jimmy Casket.

"Aw what's wrong can't find sleeping beauty haha"she said in a baby voice

"well here she is" they moved out of the way to show (Y/N) in the white dress with a white rose sleeping.

"Come on don't you want to wake the princess"

Maniacal laughter was the only thing you hear from the in the silence. I charged to attack them but was hit back to (Y/N) by a shield separating us from them.

"Why isn't she waking up?!" Mark yelled coming closer to me and (Y/N's) body. Her body started glowing into a light red and pink

"Don't worry she waking up somewhere she wants to be. Normal."

Cherry-bold slanted

"You didn't"

I looked up to see Datk and Anti walking through the shield

"I did Darki I did what you didn't"
"Cherry that's suicide for anyone. I-It's.."
"Crazy. Insane. Yes but I have people who would help me. I did this to change what happened to her I gave her what she wanted"
"Cherry stop this nonsense here is still time she's still here you can fix this"
"What I'm fixing is your mistake you think I choose to be like this. An insane killer who can't go 2 days without fill that lust for blood and pain from humans. No this is what you wanted"
"If I could I would change things you know that but no one is dark enough to do this not even me k-"
"Honestly Darki you think your still King ha. You my dear big brother are what I was expect a prince"
"What she talking about Dark" Anti finally spoke up

"You still think my brother is so powerful"
"I don't see how he isn't lass"
"Think I was able to put both of you in magical chains and use you two as my puppets. If Dark is powerful he would have put up a fight with me in his mind but no"
"Yep your little sister is now the Queen of Darkness and look at sleep beauty shining bright to be what she always wanted"

(Y/N) started to change from a person to what seemed like dust and fell to the ground disappearing. Cherry laughing her ass off I grabbed her by her jacket.

"What happened to her"
"She's waking up in the life she wanted"
"She wanted to be happy with me and Mark"
"Do you honestly believe that now like I said time has changed"
She snapped her fingers
It went black

New life new wishes I used my last energy to do this they want to be together they have to fight for it I won't stop them from that

What do you think will happen next??
(Edited January 6,2017)

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