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I was walking back down the street to see Cherry going into an alleyway I decided to follow her I mean if she's after Dark my friend I have to know.

She walked into a dark room with someone tied to a chair that looked like
YAMI?? With guys around him
"Boys leave I can handle Darkimash" that left leaving them and me in this room.

"What do you want Cherry"
"You know what I want Mash I want info on where Dark is"
"You know I don't know"
"Yes I know since you and Yami separated. But I know you know what darks, antis, and glitches that are his friends and they know where he is so are you gonna talk or we gonna have to do this my way" she pulled out a knife from her boot but her eyes they glowed with a mixture of deep blood red and a shadow of black. They reminded me of Dark except his are black with red. She's so much like him short temper sneaky vengeful is this why I might like her.

"Fine just put the knife down and clam down with music and I'll talk"
"Good boy"

Cherry put the knife down and played music from the band falling in reverse. The room felt more calm and peaceful. Her eyes that went back to normal the music calms her the guitar, drums and the lyrics she must control the playlist.

"Ok Mash talk"
"Fine well one cry, pewdarkpie might know where he's at but"
"I guess marks best friend it's in town and darks worried"

crap he's gonna say me I'm the only other person who knows where he's at

"Why would Dark be worried"
"Well his little sister is with Mark's friend and last I heard his friend Sean"

Crap I'm a dead man

"Has and alter ego as well and his name is Jack"

Jack when he started YouTube Sean called him self Jack honestly them calling him Jack created me Antisepticeye or Jack.

"Oh and Cherry I don't think they know you've been traveling to the opposite dimensions"
"Good boy see the truth helps doesn't it"
"Yea yea Cherry now cut the ropes and let me go"
"Okay Mash"

she cut he ropes I carefully opened the door I came through and ran home. I have to tell Dark this girl might be hot but Dark is my best friend I can't let her kill him.
(A/N hey guys I can't think of any other dark YouTubers so plz help by putting some in the comments)

(Edited December 23, 2016)

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