I walk in, meeting his gaze. "Found them. Give me a day to two to plan it out, and let me pick a team to take in."I say coolly, trying to be nonchalant about it. Trying to pretend it doesn't bother me that he's sending me to kill someone. Even though he might deserve it, based on what I've heard. I've gotten good at masking what I really feel around him, a cold mask I automatically slip on in his presence.

He nods in approval, giving me a sly smile, that doesn't quite reach his cold eyes. "I knew you could find it."

"Yea well, you're friends were trying to distract me. You need to say something to them, they brought fucking cocaine in here."I chide softly, looking at him.

He nods. "Okay. You may have a point. You can go home for the day if you like." he offers, dismissing me for the day, and I quickly get out of there. I hop on my bike, taking the long more scenic route to my apartment, enjoying the wind blowing in my face, and feeling free for just a little bit. Something freeing about riding a motorcycle, closest thing to flying you can get, at least on the ground.

I pull into my parking spot, and head inside, dropping my bag on my bed as I go off in search for something to eat, before I turn in for the night.

Two days later, I gather my team outside of the Vipers office, preparing them to go in."Okay, if you shoot, aim to wound, not kill. We're here for their leader, no one else. So remember that, even if they get hostile."I tell them, giving them my best glare, to let them know I mean business, and they better follow orders.

They all nod."Yes boss." I smile, and signal for them to follow me.

We go in, and start to make our way through the building, but something isn't right. It feels off to me, and it shouldn't be this easy. We should have run across someone by now. I turn to my group."Something is off, be on your guard."I warn, as we get ready to go towards their main lounge in the building.

I draw my gun, as we enter the room. Shocked, with the discovery that another group has appeared to have beaten us to it, holding the Vipers at gun point. "What the fuck?" I mutter, keeping my gun up, as I walk forward, wondering what the hell is going on, or more like who else is picking a fight with the Vipers.

There's a large group of men in black, surrounding the Vipers and their leader, along with a group of five men, that seem to be in charge of the men surrounding the Vipers. Which exact one is in charge i couldn't say, but by the looks of it, they are another mafia group.

I walk closer, gun still drawn as I try to find out whats going on. One of the five men spots me, and announce my groups arrival.. shit.

"Hey Sor, we've got company." One of the men says, looking at me. He has long brown hair, that grazes his shoulders, with light brown eyes. Dressed in a dress shirt and trousers, and sporting a fedora.

The other four men turn, looking surprised, clearly not expecting me to be here. I have to admit, they are an attractive group, but I still keep my gun raised. One of them steps away, his gun drawn, and aiming at me. He's tall, handsome, wearing a grey suit. He has his black hair slicked back, and glares at me with his fierce blue-grey eyes. "Who are you, and what business do you have here?" he says coldly, gun still drawn.

I smirk at him, not lowering my gun."I could ask you the same." I answer.

"Did she just mouth off to Sor? Holy shit." one of the guys exclaims, a surprised look on his face. His hair is a brownish orange, that messily falls around his face, near his amber eyes. He's dressed more casually then the rest, with jeans, and a blue and white shirt, that reveals a plain white shirt underneath it.

The Bidder's Mafia Princess: A KBTBB fanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant