Chapter 8

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                    (Third POV)
- At the Tres Spades-

           Eisuke sat in his suite, typing away on his laptop, his cool brown eyes narrowed in frustration. He had a lot of work to do, and it didn't help that he also had to set up the next auction. He was also wary of the two women staying there. It didn't help either, that two more seemed to be frequenting the penthouse with them.

             His cell phone went off, interrupting his thoughts, and he quickly grabs it, without looking, thinking it was either business, or he was expecting a call from Soryu. "Ichinomiya." He answered coolly. He listened carefully, before agreeing to meet an associate, and friend in the lobby shortly.

Eisuke headed to the penthouse elevator, to go meet his friend in the lobby. His friend was an up and coming movie producer, and had wanted to film some of his next movie at the Tres Spades. Though Eisuke was slightly hesitant to agree, he was going to let his friend film there.

He finally reached the lobby, the usual swarm of groupies trying to gain his attention. He politely pushed his way through, ignoring them. It was something he had grown used to, he was the king after all. The women that swarmed may have had different faces, but in the end, they were all the same, attention seekers, merely after his status and money. He was used to their attention, and was often bored by it, even though every so often he would entertain one or two of them.

He finally reached his friend, Santiago, and noticed he wasn't alone. The young woman looked familiar, though he wasn't sure at first. He knew she was someone in his usual business circles. She was tall, slim, and beautiful, with black hair, that had pink highlights, along with fierce blue eyes. Her skin had a rosiness to it, and even the normally bored Eisuke, had to admit, she was beautiful. It was when he saw the Phoenix tattoo on her chest, that he recognized the young woman as the actress Shara Hase.

             "Santiago, Miss Hase." Eisuke greeted them both, meeting their gazes, his business smile on.

"Eisuke."Santiago greets Eisuke warmly, smiling at him.

"Mr. Ichinomiya." The actress greets him coolly, shaking his hand quickly, before returning her attention back to Santiago.

It confused yet, intrigued Eisuke, how she seemed so cool towards him, so ready to ignore him, and return her attention back to Santiago. "Shall we go discuss this elsewhere?" Eisuke offers, gesturing for them to head to the elevator.

Santiago goes first, followed by Eisuke walking next to Shara. They made their way through the overly eager groupies, Shara rolling her eyes at them. Eisuke smirks, picking up on the actress's disdain for the groupies.

- Ota's studio -

           Ota was at his studio, trying to quickly swap out his painting supplies, for his photography supplies. He had a new model due any minute, and he didn't want to have all his paint and brushes everywhere still when she got there.

             He had just stashed the last of his painting supplies, when a soft knock came from the door of his studio.  He opened the door, to find a beautiful young woman, whom was his new model. She had beautiful long blonde hair, and stunning blue eyes, with a feminine air about her. "Ota Kisaki? I'm Melonie Anderson, the new model." She said kindly, offering her hand in introduction.

He takes her hand, placing a feather light kiss on it, giving her a warm smile, gesturing for her to come in afterwards. "Nice to meet you, please just call me Ota." He says, walking farther into the studio. "If you'll have a seat, and I'll go get the clothes, and finish setting up my camera stuff okay?" He adds, shooting her the smile he was so well known for.

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