Chapter 10

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                       (Mamoru's POV)

              I take another drag of my cig, frustrated. I had woken up early, earlier than I was used to. It was something that happened every so often, especially after Minami had died. I never would take another partner after that. I lean on the railing of my balcony as I continue to smoke.

             I hear the sliding door of the balcony from the room next to mine, drawing my attention to it. I look over to see the kid sneak out quietly, and watch silently as she lights a cig, leaning on her railing as well. It was the only time I could ever catch the kid smoking, since she came here, usually either early in the morning or late at night. She had been here a few weeks, but I still didn't know a whole lot about her.

               I saw her let loose the one time yesterday, and she seemed to have fun with her friends. Other than that, I knew she liked American music, had a weird obsession with those comics she brought, and particularly liked to put hot sauce on most of her food. She was a smartass, with that irritating smirk on her face as she mouthed off to me the first day I met her.

             I run a hand back through my hair as I take another drag. I don't know why I noticed this shit about the kid, she was damn irritating, and made life here more difficult. Hell, she was dragging me into Soryu's shit, when I made a point of trying not to get involved with much of anything. I didn't even take as many cases as I used to, my main focus had always been finding out who the hell really killed Minami. My partner had gotten killed during our last big case, and they could bullshit me all they wanted at the station, I knew it was connected to the case we were working.

             I watch quietly, drawn from my thoughts as the kid starts pacing on her balcony. She runs a hand back through her long dark hair as she looks out towards the city. She seemed lost in her thoughts, not even noticing I was there. I wasn't entirely sure, but I had an idea why she always woke up so early sometimes to smoke. Kid had to be having nightmares, specially considering all the shit she's probably seen, considering her profession and family. She had a haunted look in her eyes, with a mix of something else that first day we met her. Hell, that was why I spoke up that day, when we talked about just walking away. At least, that's what I figure, seeing as honestly I'm not sure what made me speak up, why the hell I even gave a shit, bringing some irritating smartass kid with us. Specially considering the kid had a distinct dislike for cops.

            She sits down, still smoking, looking lost. She shivers, siting there in just shorts and a tank top, and I finally speak up. "Kid." I call out to her quietly, not wanting to wake up her friend. She doesn't hear me, and I call out again. "Hey, kid."

              She finally looks over, jumping slightly, looking startled like she didn't know I was there. "What ya want cop?" She asks bluntly, a sharp tone in her voice as she looks at me.

               "A lighter." I answer, taking out another cig. She leans towards my balcony, and I shake my head, motioning for her to come over.

                She rolls her eyes, before muttering. "Damn lazy cop. Can't even come get a damn lighter."

                I chuckle slightly, earning me a glare as she hops her railing, making the jump onto my balcony. I motion for her to sit down, before sitting down next to her. She holds her lighter out, and I take it, lighting another cig.

                "And I'm not lazy, ya brat." I say, as I reach over and ruffle her hair. She glares at me, and I can't help but stifle a laugh as she tries to pat down her messed up hair.

              "Seem lazy to me cop. What's the point in coming all the way over here just for a lighter?" She asks, glancing at me.

               I shrug, not meeting her gaze. "What you doing up so early anyway? Don't kids sleep in?" I tease, smirking at her.

The Bidder's Mafia Princess: A KBTBB fanficWhere stories live. Discover now