Chapter 3

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The detective regains his composure, narrowing his light grey eyes at me, as he lights another cigarette. "You're loud, an' got no sex appeal..seems like a kid to me." he answers, giving me a sly smirk.

I shift my weight to one foot, leaning as I cross my arms, meeting his gaze. "Tsk, out of all the people in this room, you're the last one that has any room to talk about sex appeal." i say, laughing at him.

He chuckles. "Kid, you couldn't handle this, let alone most grown ass men."

"Oh I could handle it... the question is who would want to?" I add, earning a glare from the cop, as he takes another drag of the cig.

He gives me a sly smile, running a hand back through his already messy hair. "That an offer there sweetheart?"

I roll my eyes."Tsk hardly." I add, as Eisuke clears his throat suddenly, drawing our attention to him.

"If you guys are done flirting, we should finish the business at hand." he says coolly, a smirk playing across his lips, as he gestures to the Vipers.

I nod. "Okay. and I wasn't flirting with him. I don't do old men, let alone a fucking cop." I add, as I glance at Soryu, motioning for him to go first, as we both approach the leader of the Vipers. I turn around, looking back at my team, after we are standing in front of the group held at gun point. "Oh boys? you can go on home for the day. I'll finish it. Also, not a word about what happened here, or about the Ice Dragons being in New York, not a word, especially to Alejo." I add, giving them a serious look, and they all nod before leaving.

I turn back around, to find Soryu giving me an odd look. "What?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at the mobster.

"Kinda gutsy move, to send your men away. How do you know you can trust us, or how do you know you won't need back up?" He asks, his blue-grey eyes meeting my brown ones.

I shrug." I don't, but I'm not too worried. I can handle myself. Besides, most times they send me in alone anyway." I add, smiling, which earns me looks of astonishment from their group.

"Well okay then." he answers, before turning to the vipers leader. "Where is Mei Ling?" he asks the leader, pointing a gun right at his temple. The man shakes his head, pursing his lips, signaling he won't talk.

I step up, standing next to Soryu, holding up my gun as well. "Answer him." I demand coldly, as I aim my gun at his face. He shakes his head once more, and I sigh in annoyance. "Fine." I shrug, as I aim for his thigh, pulling the trigger.

The man winces. "You bitch." He spits, glaring at me, and I roll my eyes.

"Tsk. You're lucky I didn't shoot you in the head... Or here." I add, aiming at his crotch. His eyes widen upon seeing this, before he finally speaks.

"She's not here anymore, the Yakuza took her back to Japan. They should have her." He says, looking from me to Soryu, who nods, putting his gun away.

I look at Soryu. "So if your finished, may I?" i ask, nodding towards the other mob boss.

He shrugs. "I'm done. If that's what you came here to do." I nod, then aim for the mans temple, shooting him. I walk towards the exit, the five men and the Ice Dragons following me.

On the way out, I grab a piece of paper off a nearby table, tearing a piece off, and scribbling my cell phone number on it, turning to offer it to Soryu. "If you need anything while you're in New York, let me know. That's my personal, so I should answer. " I tell him.

He takes the piece of paper. "Maybe we could arrange something, between our gangs?" he asks, a questioning look in his eyes., and I shake my head no.

"Don't get me wrong, I would like to, but you don't know my brother. He's the one that runs it now...he's difficult to say the least..I don't like how he runs things..." i trail off, as I remeber all the shit he's done.

"What do you mean?" Soryu asks simply, his brows furrowing, as he looks at me.

I shake my head."He does a lot of things that I don't approve of. That my father never would have done. I would take it over myself, but I don't have the power, and I only have a few people left there that are loyal to me. The rest are his." I answer shrugging.

He nods, scratching the back of his neck in thought. " The men today, who you told not to tell anything... are they yours?"

"Yes. The only ones left that are loyal to me. Most keep quiet though, and just do what Alejo says, even if they don't approve. It's... a death sentence to disobey him." I say bitterly, remembering what he did to Isa.

I look up, to see Soryu's eyes widen in shock. "A death sentence..?" he ask, trailing off, and I nod. "I mean, there are consequences in any group, but we don't immediately kill our own, unless they did something really horrible." He adds, an angry look on his face.

"It's a death sentence, regardless of who you are. I've seen it. I've gotten my ass beat a couple times, to be honest I'm lucky I haven't been shot yet." I add, trying to sound nonchalant, when inside I feel like I could cry. "Anyway, like I said, let me know if you guys need any help while your here. I could back you up on any underground business you have, and I'm also a pretty good hacker." I say, trying to change the subject, in fear of having a break down in front of them.

"I might take you up on that." He answers, giving me a slight smile. I nod, and make my way out of the building, heading home.

(Third POV)

The Bidders watch Felicia leave, before leaving themselves, getting into one of Eisukes's cars, heading downtown to the hotel they were staying at. "Well.... that was interesting.." Baba says, trailing off as he looks out the window.

Eisuke nods in agreement."That it was. Didn't expect anyone else to show up did ya Sor?" he asks, glancing at the mobster.

Soryu shakes his head."Not at all. Curious about her brother now though. Hey Baba? Can you get a hold of your hacker friend? Have him look up her and her brother? " he asks, looking at the thief, who shrugs.

"Sure." he answers, producing his phone, and dialing. "Hey Takuto? It's Lupin. Can you get me everything you can find on a Felicia, and Alejo Hernandez of New York? Send it to Eisuke, Thanks." he says, before hanging up, satisfied. "He'll send it to Eisuke's email." he adds, looking at Soryu, who nods in approval.

"Wonder what he's done. Must have been bad, if she was so quick to warn you away from him." Ota chimes in, glancing at the other bidders in question.

"Who knows." Eisukes answers simply, as he scrolls through his phone. "Maybe Takuto will find it." he adds.

Soryu shakes his head. "It's possible, but a lot of it will have stayed just among the gang. They wouldn't have leaked it, especially if it was illegal, or gang business."

Mamoru speaks up suddenly, much to everyone's surprise. "He killed someone close to her."

The other four men's eyes widen in shock, wondering how he came to that conclusion. "Why do you think that?" Eisuke asks, meeting the detectives gaze.

Mamoru shrugs lazily."Just the look in her eyes, when she was talking about the death sentence for disobeying. Seems like she saw him kill someone close to her, plus the way she talked about him, she resents him for something." he explains, looking out towards the window, once again.

"Well Takuto came through." Eisuke announces, glancing down at his phone.

The Bidder's Mafia Princess: A KBTBB fanficWhere stories live. Discover now