Untitled Part 6

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Chapter 6- School

"Yui," A soft voice whispered, causing Yui to wake up.

"Who is it?" She asked, still half asleep.

"Bitch Chan did you really forget?" Yui shot out of bed and looked over at Lyra Samuki doubling over with laughter.

"Lyra!" Yui shouted throwing one of her pillows at the said girl.

"Sorry Yui." Lyra said, effortlessly dodging the pillow. "But I had to wake you up somehow. And besides Ayano made breakfast."

"Oh." Yui sat down on the side of her bed. "Who else is up?"

"Ayano, Kaneko, Shawn." Lyra replied. "Reina and Suzuka already went ahead to school."

"Really?" Yui asked surprised. "I thought Suzuka hated going to school."

"She does. But Reina made her go. Something about extra credit, keeping grades up, stuff like that." Lyra walked over to Yui's bedroom door. "And now that you're up, You should get ready. Remember what happened when you weren't?"

Yui shuddered and nodded.

"Good. So get ready." Then Lyra walked out of the room, closing the door.

Yui sat on the bed a little longer, thinking about how she could have ever thought Lyra was him. Lyra respected personal space and only teased people. He would stay and torture her, and didn't care. If she fell and broke something, Lyra would be there in a second. He would sit and laugh as she would try to stand up.

Yui shook her head to clear her thoughts. I shouldn't be thinking of them. So she stood up and walked over to her school uniform and got ready to put it on.

As Yui walked down the stairs in her school uniform, she heard Ayano and Kaneko shouting.

"Ayano nothing here is sweet!"

" So? Just add sugar!"

"Or just make something sweet!"


Yui walked into the kitchen. "What's going on?"

"Yui!" Kaneko ran over holding her bear in a secure grip. "Ayano won't make anything sweet."

"Did you not see what I made already?" Ayano shouted, gesturing to the table. It had pancakes, waffles, toast, cereal, bacon, tea, and coffee.

"Wow," Yui stared at the food. "That looks delicious."

"Thank You!" Kaneko pouted.

"But, you should add something sweet." Kanako smiled and Ayano went fridged.

"Fine." Then she turned to the fridge and pulled out a box of doughnuts. "How's this?"

"Give me." Kaneko lunged forward, snatched the box and sat at the table, digging into the box.

Lyra, Yui laughed just as Shawn walked into the room.

"What is going on?"


Hey guys. I was wondering if you can leave a comment on how I'm doing so far. And since I'm in a good mood, leave a comment on how was your day, I'll read them. I love reading. I also love skydoesminecraft and other youtubers...

ThatGuyBarney: "Apple."

Sky: "Butter."

Ross: "Ross time."

Aphmau: "Hi!"

Jinbop: "What's popping?! Jinbop here!"

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