Day 9 in the arena

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Hey guys so I don't have the book with me so if someone who knows how many day THG lasted please comment. Okay so now on to the story.

"Prim don't forget your toothbrush!" My mom called. Lily invited Ginger, Orchid, and I over for a slumber party. "I got it mom! Don't worry!" I called back to her. Sometimes mothers can be really annoying.

"Bye mom, love you."

"Oh Prim, I need your love, I'm gonna miss Katniss when she's gone, I'm gonna miss her pretty hair I'm gonna miss her when she's gone."

"Mom. Katniss is coming back to district 12. I can feel it!"

"Can you feel it, cause she's coming back."

"Stop. Wait a minute. I forgot my pillow!"

"Oh Prim." My mother laughed, I like her laugh because it means she's happy. My mom hasn't been happy in a long time.

I ran upstairs quickly grabbed my pillow and left. I couldn't wait to go to Lily's house! This is going to be fun! Cause us girls just want to have fun!

Hola! Okay so I may used some songs in here so whoever comments first... gets... nothing! So fun right! K. Bye!

Jk the winner gets a shoutout and can be a character in the next chapter. When u comment the songs just make sure to put your name or the name of your character, it won't make a difference. Real quick good luck to you all and "May the odds be ever in your favor." The clock starts... NOW!

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