Chapter 25 - 1968 - Part 4 - ads .

Start from the beginning

I finished high school in 1965 and then by excellent grades in the subjects got a scholarship to study physics at Imperial College London. I can not believe that soon will be with degree in hand. I have excellent grades in college who also already received job offers from leading astronomer of Great Britain Sir Bernard Lovell to work at the Jodrell Bank Observatory, but I refused, because I want to dedicate myself after graduation only on my PHD and music as well. My parents did not like the idea very much, but respected my decision. 

According to them it could well work and devote myself to PHD They also do not accept the idea that I have a rock band, especially my father Harold says this is a waste of time and no future and I have to devote myself to academic study. But I confess to you that I am increasingly divided between astronomy and music. They are the two passions of my life. I know that one hour I can not reconcile the two, I'll have to choose only one way. But still do not know which one to follow.  

Tim Staffell is my childhood friend . It is design student at London University campus in Ealing College of Art . He is very intelligent. It's a great vocalist and bassist . We will fight together in the music world .Tomorrow after school will meet with him. Leave more ads looking for a great drummer.

POV Roger. 

 Finally Thursday. Another day of class. I lift up the morning half past five with Paul to go to college. We take a quick coffee that Paul prepared. Better than nothing. I suck in the kitchen. Swear I've tried to make a simple coffee and it was a disaster. During the week we paid a woman who does lunch and dinner for us. The woman and kitchen, but I confess that Yasmine kitchen better. In fact, Yasmine it did not follow the world of journalism would be an excellent chef. Kitchen better than my mother, my grandmother. I'm addicted to their food. So on weekends always have lunch with her. She prepares each tasty food for Paul and me. My cat always takes care of me in every way. Always worried about me. Paul and I took the subway packed full of students. 

We arrived at 06:45 am in college and we go to our room. The day passes relatively quickly. I pay attention in class, I write down what teachers say. 

At noon classes are over and output and Paul and I met a childhood friend of Truro, Les Brown. I was surprised to see him there. He's a year younger than me. He got a scholarship as well at Imperial College. It is studying chemistry. Knowing that he was in London called my mother who said the building that I studied. We greet happy and he went to the apartment he shared with Paul. He had lunch with us, exchanged phone numbers and he told me: 

- Rog, I have one thing to tell you: the time I was leaving college today, there was a big ad in the wall of the Imperial College about a band looking for a drummer. Always knew what his dream of being a successful musician. At the time I remembered you.  

- Les sure? There are times I look for an opportunity this . - Smile standing up fast. Let me to the Imperial College. I want to see this ad with my own eyes . 

We were three of us to the Imperial College in the ad wall . To my great surprise I saw the large mural . I grabbed a pen and paper and the ad read: 

'' Brilliant drummer for the band of heavy guitars - need to know how to play Mitch Mitchell , Ginger Baker, Keith Moon . "  

- Roger is your chance , buddy. - Paul smiled at me . 

- Les Paul and the announcement cites my great idols . - Smile . - I'll audition for the band and show all my potential to be a successful musician . 

I see also in the notice the phone Brian May , guitarist and vocalist Tim Staffell and bassist and there is also still marked the buildings they study and the rooms . 

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