louis nodded, grayson popping up in his head.

"hey," a small voice said from the doorway,"the big guys said that you guys were up here."

big guys? god, mikey is so adorable.

"come on up, mikey," niall said,"we were just talking about them."

"about how calum and ash made out?" michael asked, climbing into the bed, too. the four boys were actually really, really tiny.

"how did you know that?" niall asked.

"calum told me," michael shrugged.

"why did you tell him?" louis asked, looking at calum.

"michael actually asked me," calum said.

louis smiled, he loved his friends.


the four boys sat in the bunks for about another hour, just talking about random things until a plan popped into louis' brain.

"can i give you guys makeovers?"

michael was the first to answer,"what?"

"please?" louis begged,"just this one time, please?"

calum agreed, and michael reluctantly said,"okay."

louis squealed in joy, and said,"ni, you can help."

"can i do mikey? we have the same skin tone, pale as fuck," niall laughed

"shut up, but sure," michael said, and niall went digging through his bag.

louis and calum sat criss crossed while facing each other, and niall and mikey doing the same.

"so, what exactly are you gonna do?" calum asked.

"well, i was thinking of giving you a smokey eye, a bomb ass winged eyeliner, a few layers of mascara and some on fleek eyebrows," louis said,"and foundation and stuff."

louis smiled,"cool."

so niall and louis went to work, and downstairs the boys sat piled up on the couch while playing Call Of Duty.

"so, has anyone gotten laid yet?" zany asked. typical boys.

"no," luke said,"mike doesn't seem like that kind of person.

"neither does louis," harry said,"too soft, but in a good way."

"calum would do it," ashton said,"i just don't know if i could. we're like best friends."

"i don't know about niall," zany said,"we haven't gotten to that point yet."

they stopped talking when they heard a fit of giggles from the boys upstairs. the sound made fond smiles form on their faces.

"they're actually too adorable," harry sighed.

"i'm saying," luke sighed.


"oh my god, it's cold!" michael squealed, shivering as niall spread cold eyeliner in a perfect line over his eye.

"you'll thank me when i'm done," niall said,"now be still!"

louis sighed,"damn, cal, your contour is on point."

calum laughed, saying,"you're the one who did it, though."

"i know," louis said cheekily,"okay, i think you're done."

"let me see!" calum said, standing up and leading louis into the bathroom to see himself in the mirror, he turned the corner and- dayum

calum looked hot.

and calum really like it, like a lot.

"woah," calum sad,"i look good."

"you do," louis said,"you think ashton would like it?"

"as of right now," calum said,"i don't even care."

calum had been thinking of... wearing makeup and stuff for a while. he thought that he would look better with it on, and it did make him feel pretty.

"you think," calum said,"i should start wearing makeup?"

"i wouldn't stop you," louis said truthfully,"you're pretty with and without it."

calum smiled to his reflection and then to louis,"thank you, louis."

"you know," louis said,"i think we're gonna be really good friends, all four of us."

"so do i," calum said, linking his arm with louis',"let's go see the boys."


omg i hate my life

fuckbois everywhere

but hey I'm sorry for not updating i was being a noob :/

but you can follow my DrAwInG account on IG??? if u want

it's @ smocantdraw

ily guys <3

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