Chapter 17

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When I got home I made myself a bowl of oatmeal. I just wanted something simple and healthy. When I was done I did the dishes and jumped in the shower. I decided to text Brayden and tell him I'll be leaving  for a few days next week for training.
Me: hey! I just wanted to let you know that I'll be in Chicago for training next week. I'll be leaving Monday morning to catch my flight then I'll be back  by Friday night.
Brayden: okay if you need a ride to the air port I'm be more than happy to take you.
Me: aww thanks Bray I really appreciate it.  That would be a big help if you could!
Brayden: no problem! I'll pick you up Monday and take you to the airport just let me know when.
Me: wait wouldn't you miss practice though?
Brayden: yeah but it's not a big deal and I don't mind too much I'll do anything for you.
Me: bray stop being so sweet hahaha well thank you so much I have to get some sleep so I'll talk to you later.
Brayden: ik I just care about you and want to be there no matter what kind of help you need. I should hit the hay too. Talk to you later sweet cheeks
Me: sweet cheeks?
Brayden: sorry haha
Me: no it's okay I don't mind u can call me what ever you want to a certain point hahah night bray
Brayden: nighty night don't let the bed bugs bite.
I sent him the time I had to be at the airport and soon fell into a deep comfortable sleep.

I'm really sorry I haven't updated for months when I said I was going to sooner. School has just taken up so much of my time it's crazy. And sorry for such a short chapter I'll do more soon!

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