Chapter 1

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I woke up with sore wings. They were bent and crooked and ached with every little movement as I got out of bed.

"Ughhh." I groaned as I fully extended them, straightening them out. But I managed to neatly fold them against my back and walk over to my wardrobe.

I threw open the white oak doors and pulled out a white spaghetti strap top, white shorts, white high-top converse, white socks, and a white jean jacket. All of my tops had slits in the back for my wings, which stood out; their soft ash grey color against the pure whites of my clothes. So did my shiny black hair that reached to my shoulder blades when I brushed it out.

My entire room is white, as is much of the royal city, Angelton. Angelton is made up of clouds and mist. There's the Palace to the North, open air markets to the East, armory and forge to the West, and villages to the South.

I stretched again and then proceeded out of my room and down the white marble stairs. Outside the first rays of sunlight were just beginning to peek over Angelton's taller cloud formations, casting dark shadows around the castle walls. No one was in the main hall when I arrived, so I made a split second decision and left the perimeters to visit the market.

The market was in a bustle as usual. I drifted from one stand to another looking at their wares an then moving on. People recognized who I was and would moved out of my way, but some gave me nasty looks when I turned and my grey wings faced them.

"She's unclean." I heard one woman whisper to her husband while I was at an amulet stand.

"She must have been a sinned Fallen," I heard another man say quietly, "I bet she didn't even earn her honor back. That's why her wings aren't pure."

"She's slowly turning evil, like a witch." I heard a young boy say.

I stiffened at that remark and instantly everyone stepped back and clammed up. I turned around to face them. "Never jump to conclusions without solid facts and proof." I told them, which also confirmed that I had heard everything. Then I turned back to look at the amulets.

"Just ignore them." The lady working the stand gave me a sincere kindly smile, but she eyed me curiously.

I smiled back. "I do. I am."

She pointed to a white lace necklace with a circular diamond amulet. "Try that one on." He instructed.

I picked it up and unclasped it, fastening it around my neck. The amulet buzzed to life, glowing and radiating with power. I yelped a little, I had never seen an amulet do that.

The woman nodded in approval and then bent down taking out a beautifully engraved silver box.

"He told me one day I would meet you." She said handing me the box. It was small enough to fit in my hand, but it weighed a ton.

I didn't see how something so small could weigh so much.

She closed my hand around it, looking around warily. Then, in a hushed tone she told me, "Aurora, you have a journey ahead of you, you're going to bring balance to an age old war. If you succeed I can guarantee that people will finally stop teasing you about your wings." She patted the hand with the box, "This will help you on your trip. In what way I do no know, I am only the messenger, but it all starts today. Do not open it until you're alone at the castle!"

And with that she turned her back to me and left to help another customer on the other side of the stand.

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