"Push-ups." Sean and I replied at the same time.

"Well breakfast is served." Ryder placed a plate full of eggs, bacon, and sausage in front of me. He sat down on the other side of me and started eating his own plate.

"Hey! Where's mine!" Sean shouts interrupting us.

"Sorry bro, I only made enough for me and Addison. I started to make you some, but I decided to do some push-ups instead." Sean's jaw dropped open as I started laughing uncontrollably. Ryder just smirked and continued eating his food like nothing happened.

"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard! And they're like it's better than yours! Da-AHHHHHHHH!" Ryan comes skipping down the stairs without a shirt on and in a wig singing 'Milkshake', but stops once he see's us in here.

We all just stare at him a couple minutes before we burst out laughing.

He stares at us with wide eyes, his face flushing in embarrassment. "G-guys, stop laughing! I-it's not funny!"

"Oh, but it is Kelis." His face flushes even redder and he throws the wig off and runs back upstairs. "RYAN! COME ON!! I'LL BUY YOU A MILKSHAKE!" I yell up to him, laughing at the end.

"Okay Addi stop torturing him we have school to get to it's Monday." Sean grabs my hand helping me off the stool and leading me upstairs to get ready.

"I'm going to go to my pack house and get ready I'll see you guys at school." Ryder gave me a peck on the lips and walked out the front door.


"Hey I just thought of something!" I proclaimed to the car containing Sean, Ryan, and Tyson. They all nod, silently telling me to go on. "What if somebody thinks that Ryder is you and vise versa? We haven't told anybody that you guys are twins and we're all mates yet." Ryan and Tyson's eyes bulged out of there heads.

'We didn't tell them yet.'

'Well sh¡t.'

I looked over at Sean, silently begging him for help.

"Well I guess it's now or never." He sighed. He put the car in park as he pulled up into a parking space in the school parking lot. He turned around in his seat to make better eye contact with Ryan and Tyson before continuing. "So last night at the party someone snatched Addison away while we were...uhhh...talking...and when I followed them I found a guy who looks exactly like me holding Addison in his arms. Turns out he's my twin and also Addison's mate."

"Well this is great." Tyson was the first one to break the silence. "I wasn't too thrilled that my sister was going to mate with one guy, but now she has to mate with two!"

Ryan just laughed. "This is weird, but so am I so I guess it's cool."
I smiled brightly at him before we all got out of the car and whispers surrounded us. Me and Sean have been a couple for a month now and both humans and wolves still gossip about us. I mean seriously people don't you have anything better to do.

History, math, and english went by in a blast, they were all boring and I got the usual side glances from people gossiping to their friends. Sadly I didn't see Ryder in any of my classes, but I guess that makes sense. He's a senior so most likely he wouldn't be in my class, Sean and Tyson were the exception. Lunch was weird, I felt like I was being watched. Not the usual envious watch, it was more like a stalkerish one. Anyways it was time for all werewolves favorite class!


"Alright ladies! Today we'll be playing volleyball! So go change into your spandex and sports bras so we can start." Mrs. Quinn announces. "Dang it I left the volleyballs in the supply closet." She curses under her breath.

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