26~13th March 2014

Start from the beginning

I make my way down stairs which takes me a little while until Justin meets me halfway and scoops me up in his arms with ease. I squeal in surprise and yell at him to put me down until I'm set on the ground in the middle of the living ground and pulled down onto the floor to sit between Justins legs. Jeremy enters from the kitchen a mug of probably coffee in his hand, he looks exhausted which makes me wonder Jazzy and Jaxon have actually been awake as I glance to them excitedly tearing open the paper on their presents.

"You go first." I urge twisting around and grinning at Justin who was busy packing my neck softly sending little chills around my body.

"Okay little miss bossy." HE grumbles as Jeremy comes over to sit near us a small tired on his face as he watches his kids open the presents.

"Merry Christmas Jeremy." I smile and he repeats my words back to me a small smile on his face. I kind of got the vibe that something was up but kept quiet anyway deciding not to say anything today since it was Christmas after all.

"These are all mine?" Justin asks from across the room looking a little wide eyed to the stack of neatly wrapped presents at his feet. I nod with a smile biting down on my lip butterflies swarming in my stomach as I worry about whether he'd like them all. I know he probably will but, I stress so much about gifts.

I shuffle to the side a little as he picks up the stack of gifts and brings them over to where we're sitting and basically starts tearing the wrapping paper (which I'd spent hours on) apart. After all of my shopping I'd decided to keep the yeezy clothes and shoes which Justin was currently opening with his mouth slightly agape as he holds each shirt to his body checking it would fit properly. I'm not sure what kind of person he thinks I am, of course I know his size.

"Why have you bought me all this stuff?" Justin asks his cheecks turning a slightly pink colour as he pushes his shirts to one side and lifts the next present closer to himm his eyebrows furrowed.

"You deserve it." I shrug smiling as he tore the corner of the paper up. "This one isn't directly for you." I admit twisting my face up a little nervous that he'd be thinking I haven't bought him much. I watch as Justin takes the paper away revealing the 2 baby grows I bought about a month ago. '#1 Dad' printed on the front of them. I Justin looks to them wide eyed holding them in the softest way which makes my heart melt slightly.

"Char," He mumbles softly as I laugh at him. It's not mean or in a rude way, it's all I can do to not become an emotional wreck, damn hormones making me upset 24/7.

"There's some another thing too." I mumble pushing the final one towards him as far as my hands would let me. "I-it's not much but, it took a while and you're really hard to buy for because you have everything and I was really stu-" I'm cut off by Justin's lips. He takes me completely by surprise and I gasp surprised before kissing back.

"it's prefect." He says as I squint at him.

"You haven't even opened it." I point out and Justin shrugs mumbling a 'doesn't matter' as he leans back to his spot just across from me as he rips the present open quickly. He holds the brown covered photoalbum in his hands and I nibble on my lip butterflies swarming in my stomach. I wince at his reaction. "I know it's really boring but,"


"Excuse me?"

"Charlie stop doubting yourself." Justin grumbles bringing a finger up to his lips and making the 'shh'ing gesture at me. "Come here." He tells me and I wiggle my fat ass over to him sitting in the spot he pointed to between his legs. His body is pressed against my back, legs either side of me and his head resting on my shoulder. I take the photoalbum out of his hands and hold it so we can both see. "Tell me about it." He says and I nibble on my lip once more.

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