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Levi saw white as he saw Eren in front of him looking worried and saying something,but no words came out.

Levi instantly woke up from his sleep and saw his precious Eren right in front of his eyes.
Levi...are you okay?~Eren.
Of course I am brat,why did you wake me up?~Levi.
Eren looked down at his hand with a red string tied on his ring finger,a promise from Levi that they will get married, and back at Levi.
I'm sorry...but you're crying.~Eren.
Levi stared at Eren with wide eyes as he felt tears running down his cheeks on to his neck.
*sighs* not this again...~Levi.
Levi whispered as he brought Eren's face close to his and smashed his lips onto Eren's.Levi stopped the kiss and flipped Eren over so Eren can be laying on the bed.
Levi layed on top of Eren and placed his head where his heart was...'Ba-thump,Ba-thump'went Eren's heart.Levi wrapped his arms and hugged the brat tightly.
Just now...your dream...~Eren.
Eren,shh...just go back to sleep.~Levi.
Corporal...I'll always be on your side.
So...please don't worry.~Eren.
Don't be stupid long as I can,just feeling your beating heart is enough...~Levi.

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