Ch. 1: Meet And Greet Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"Okay it's a huge deal!" I finally let myself just scream out but not too loudly since we are in a hospital. "I knew it like why try to play it cool Mimi?" "I just don't want to seem like a crazed fan y'know?"

"Honey you already are that!" I give her a playful glare which she just laughs at. After she calms down, "You should go tell your dad, I bet he would want to hear some great news!" "Yeah that's why we're here actually," my mom looks at her watch. "Well Carol we'll have to get on the elevator since time is almost up." "Oh yeah go right ahead!" she shrugs us off towards the elevator.

We get on the elevator and I childishly push the 7for the 7th floor before my mom could push it. She gives me a "really?" look and I just give her a triumphant smile. We lean against the rail for the elevator waiting until we get to the 7th floor. The doors dinged signaling that we're on the floor and the doors opens. We walk to my dad's room 708 that says Bryan Osborne which I have his last name and my mom is Bridgett Rice. I push the open slowly in case if he's sleeping but to find my dad sitting up in his bed with my stepmom, Rina sitting on the edge of the bed holding my baby sister Joyce Marie.

I rush over to his bed to see the little cutie, that's when they notice me. "Mia!" my stepmom's thick Spanish accent rings in my ears while she rushes up and hugs me tightly. I hug her back and say a tiny hey, "Hey cutie!" I reach my hands out to Joyce Marie and she shyly reaches one hand out too. She can't talk yet because she's only 4 ½ months. I grab her and give her showers of kisses on her cute dimpled cheeks.

"Mia?" I hear a deep northern voice and turn around to find my dad smiling at me. Oh man he looks so much healthier than he did two months ago. "Hi daddy," I smile weakly back at him, I always been a daddy's girl. He reaches his hands out with a goofy grin like I did for Joyce Marie, I miss his silly self. I give Joyce Marie back to my stepmom and give my dad a big hug. "How are you daddy?" I sigh in his ear.

"Great actually!" he exclaims but it scares Joyce Marie so she starts to cry. Aw poor thing and Rina goes out the room to calm her down. "Nice going dad," I smile warmly to show I'm kidding. "So brat, what's going on?" Most dads would give their little girls cute nicknames like pumpkin, sweetie, baby cakes, I mean anything but no I get brat. Go figure.

"Actually I came to tell you some cool news!" "Yeah?" he quirks his eyebrow for me to go on.

"Yeah I'm going to go see One Direction well not concert but better! To actually meet them while they sign things." He gives me an unimpressed look, see I told you he's not into those type of things.

"That's great Mia!" I look back to see him smiling but it goes away, "Don't wear anything that haves your ass out for those boys." I scoff at him, "Dad gives me some credit, and I have to show my boobs too!" He gives me a dark look but I only find it funny, "Okay okay, I'm only kidding. Sheesh take a joke cranky pants." He loosens up and holds my hand to give it a squeeze, "Have fun brat!" I roll my eyes while he just laughs.

Harry POV:

"Lou this sucks!" my deep voice whispers into Louis' ear since I'm hugging him. "Haz maybe you'll like her?" he tries and gives me a sheepish smile because I gave him a look. "Why do I have to date her of all guys?" I whine hugging him again.

"Maybe because there are no other guys for her to date?" he tries to lighten the mood and it works because I snort throwing my head back.

"Maybe this is why management is making you date Taylor?" I hear a deep voice besides mine behind me in Lou and I's flat. "Liam!" Louis yells and I have to put a hand on my ringing ear for it to stop. "Louis!" he yells back and I turn around to say hi to the other lads now sitting on the couch.

"Liam what did you mean maybe this is why management's making me date Taylor?" I question, quirking my eyebrow in confusion. "You and Louis having this intense bromance?" he gives me a duh look.

"Yes exactly! A bromance not a romance! So there's no point of me dating her Liam! What if we lose fans because this? Or what if she writes a song about me because it ends badly? I can see it now: "Going the Wrong Direction" or "The Curly Jerk," Guys I can't deal with that!"

"Curly you need to calm down!" Louis screams at me and I find him sitting in Zayn and Niall's lap. Niall is eating a slice of cake, where did he even get that!? "Lou I can't because I should date whoever I want to date. Just because oh I hug my best mate and maybe flirt with him, I'm automatically in a relationship with him? I mean c'mon girls do it all the time!

"Mate I don't know what to tell you, just stick it through?" Niall says with his mouth full of chocolate cake. Uh, ew? "It's not that simple guys!" "No Harry, you're making it this hard to be and it's not you just date her and it'll only be for a few months," well at least he doesn't have the cake in his mouth anymore.

Liam claps his hands together to gain attention. Typical Daddy Direction. "Lads we have to go to a Meet & Greet so we'll just discuss this later. Alright?"


We jumped out the tinted window black van at the back of the place where the Meet & Greet is going to be held so we don't get hauled by our fans. We walk into the back entrance to hear our new single "Live While We're Young" playing inside. I take a deep breath readying myself for the screaming. We start walking towards the table to sit and automatically you hear the loud screaming so I put on a fake smile and wave at them.




So on and so forth you get the idea of their crazy screaming banter. I sit in the seat on the end with Liam sitting to my right, Louis in the middle, Zayn beside him and Niall on the end. We pull out our markers out of our pockets; I take my cap off with my teeth making the girls scream even louder. I resist the urge to roll my eyes, don't get me wrong I love our fans but they can be too much right now. I smile instead; I hear security telling the fans to all get in single line for the Meet & Greet officially starts.

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