mission part 1

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Violet pov

I wake up in tears you get use to it if you past doesn't seem to leave you alone

It's 3:30 am great seems like the usual sleep I get I wake up and train

I do a thousand sit ups a thousand three hundred push ups and some kill shots

It's 6:30 am now thank God I walk to the shower and my clothes are already folded on the toilet

I wash my body and walk out with a towel wrapped around my body I look were my heart is and I see my vicious wolf tattooed there it looks scary

I put on my tank top and pants with some black all stars my outfit shows most of my tattoos

I'm covered in tattoos that I've had for some reason

I put my hair in a Pony tail and walk out to a dinner that looks packed but I'm hungry

I walk in and everybody had got quiet the waitress looked scared

"Hello....I'm. ..your.... waitress...this.....way" she says

We walk to a table and I see the hazel eye and him with his family you can tell they are the alphas

I sat down

"What... can,....I....get...you" she says

"First off do you mind stop stuttering Im just a normal person wanting to eat food I hope not people" I Said

I hear laughter

Before she could answer I answer here question

"I will have.some coffee and water some pancakes three stacks bacon hasbrowns" I say

And she left I finished eating I saw a little girl asking for food I call her over

"Order whatever you want" I say

She started jumping up and down ordered almost the whole menu she was finished I took out my card

I then pulled out another that had a lot of money on it I have two separate cards where my money goes on

I look at her

"With this card you can get whatever you want I will see you eventually again I have a house here it's yours you will be taken care of" I say

"Thanks mommy" I was stunned she gave me a hug and kiss and walked into the car that will take her to the house where ever she wants to go

She will be off the streets and she can call me at anytime

Hazel eye comes up and sits across from me

"Hello" he says

"Hi" I say

"That was very sweet of you to do that I was going to" he says

"Lets just say I know what it's like to come from nothing and end up in something I just want to help her out" I say

"What's your name" he says

"What's yours" I say

"Blake" he says

"Violet" I say

"So you just moved into town or visiting" he says

"Visiting" I say

"For work" he says

"Yes I'm guessing you figure that out on the train" I say

"Yes I pay attention to detail a lot like your tattoos" he says

"Like what can you tell" I say

"The beauty thats hiding inside your eyes show how focus you are your determine by a passion I don't know yet you care about things but are afraid to show it so you have this shield up and you don't want to show it cause your afraid someone will see" he says

I get quiet" I have to go it was nice meeting you" I say

I try to get up but he blocks my way

"Are you leaving because I see you or because everything I said was a mistake meeting me was a mistake even though I'm your mate I'm meant for you Your other half stay" he says

"There's no such thing as another half my other half would have been there for me well guess what I don't need one I don't want one so do me a favor fall in love with someone else who's perfect I'm not good for you everything about meeting you is a mistake everything you said was a mistake" I say

walking out I had tears in my eyes I need to get this job done I'm being too mushy and Ryan will never approve ny heart fills like it's being ripped out of my chest

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