party and what happen in there

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Cassandra pov

So I refuse to go to school the whole week he broke me I'm just another chick. Thought our kiss meant something but it was just a game

A game I wasnt ready to play or put my heart on the line today was a party and the twins are making me go saying it would help my mood I never been so I wouldn't know

So the twins came in
"Oh my God it smells like death" Jake says

"Its just me" I say

"Don't look her in.the eyes she'll turn you into stone" Jessie says

"That's meduse stupid" I say

" I told you to pay attention more in world history" Jake says slapping him in the back of the head

"Why do you always do that" Jessie says

"Because your the dumb one" Jake says

"No I'm not" Jessie says

"Yes you are" Jake says

"Am not"

"Are to"


"Enough your suppose to help me party remember" I say knowing them I'd be there forever hearing them argue

"Oh yeah you shower we got the rest" they say

So I do what I'm told I swear these guys are gonna give me grey hair I just pray that tonight goes better than my whole week and the twins weren't lying when it smelt like death

Maybe I was reborn over this week Daniel did something to me that made me physical and emotionally not feel right I don't know where this feeling is I love him and then I hate him

some part of me likes player and other part wants sweet and kind I got out of shower and the twins made a mess they rampage in my closet.

It looked like a girl day where us girls try on clothes acting like were in a runway model but the.boys where arguing why am I not surprised when there mother was raising them she must have tolerated a lot with these boys.

They treat me like a sister and I love them from that you think they where gay with hangout with me all the time but there not strange.

They pulled out this outfit me and my mom bought when we last went shopping she said its for when I was older I start crying so many memories that I could still keep without some one taking her from me.

I went and put it on and walked to the mirror I cried looked beautiful just like my mom said I would be mother's know best mine was the best

Then the boys finished my makeup and where talking about Daniel and ways to kill him as much as half of me enjoys that I couldn't do it.

I wait for the twins and they said I'm there date I laughed because they where arguing on which side they get and it was entertaining.

Then we went to the party I cried because the twins where going to beat people that where looking it's very funny especially when the twins where frustrated by the guys looking we danced.

With blue eyes burning holes and growling at whistling

I go to get a drink and Daniel approaches

He coughs trying to get my attention And since I ignored him

He made fun of me calling me a whore that I would dress like a stripper it felt like tiny of knives stabbing me one by one like my heart is going to crush and fall

He laughs and I let extreme tear.flow he looks sad but trys to act cool for his friends.

His friends laugh

Why can't I enjoy a day and be happy maybe my life wasn't happy maybe life isn't meant to be like mom said

The twins drag me away then I freeze my eyes turn white and I see something

A man with some forces" where is she I need the girl" the main man says

"We found her it's just going to be.difficult she is surround by werewolves" the one standing in all black with a look of regret

"Doesnt matter we where suppose to have the girl already idiot" a female says

"Easy" the main one says

"Gear up we will attack in three weeks we.can't waste time we.need her on our side lets get ready" he.says

"Yes master"they say

The guy in the black stays

"I won't let you down again" he says

"You better not or I'll have your head"he says

He bows and.leaves

He turns to the girl and says

"After the fight kill him" the main one says

"With pleasure" she says with a evil smile

Then it skips to the battle they shot a arrow I'm put to sleep and everybody's dead

I snap back to my body and scream" help get them away from me please" I say

Everybody watching

"Cassandra I'm Daniel your father" he.says

I laugh" where we're you when I need you mom was right about you You never wanted us" I ran out crying

I found a secret hide away and passed out

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