bring me violet

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Pic above violet

Hello guys I wanted to let you know more of.violet and Ryan's character because I feel You guys question her involvement in the story so this is from three days before Daniel is  unconscious 

Ryan's pov

"Master we have a problem that needs to be finished we have a rat giving away our secrets" he says

"Did you figure out who it is yet" I say

"No but we can't just send.anybody" he says

"Your right" I say thinking of some one

"Bring me violet" I say

Violet walks in a little while later

"You called" she said

"Yes I need you on this mission it needs to be taken care of and I can't just send anybody" I say

"But I have to train the new warriors you send me on this trip and no one will train them I have to pass you up on this one get some one eles" she says

"You will go and that's final" I say

"But" she says

"No buts go you leave tonight your assignment folder is in your room analyze it I want you back in two days" I say

She nods if anybody can take care of this it is violet

Violet pov

I walk up to the training room

"Rookies fall in" I say

They fall in

"I will be.gone two days" I say

They cheer

"Don't think you have days off if you want to become a warrior you train everyday now I will have eyes watching Your training  and you better train or consequences" I say

"Yes sir" they say

I walk to my room and see the package I grab my pack bag in case of emergency

I take a train to my location and pull out the target I see a male who's loves women in general

Great just what I need they can get a little touchy to get close

I see some males come on in a group of five they sit across from me they kept starring at my tattoos I wasnt really paying attention to them it's going to be a long ride

I smell there werewolves they watch me I'm just trying to analyze my job

I've worked for Ryan since the beginning when he became a thing I should be his second and command but I just train rookies

I'm really good at my job never lost a fight I get a phone call

"Hello" I say

"How's your flight" he says Ryan trys not to call when he sends me on  mission but he snapped on me

"You mean train fine I'm analysing the thing can't talk bye" I say

Hanging up I've had a thing for Ryan but it would never workout
Where not mates so it's like a little crush and he already said that he doesn't like me

I put the papers down and massage my head it's been a while since I've been able to sleep
I look up and stare into a hazel eye brunette

He looks at me with love

He trys to get up but his friends hold him down

I don't know why but I feel like I know him but I don't have time to meet people I need to get the mission done the sonner I get it done the faster I can get home

I remain analyzing and finish I can read this threat like the back of my hand

Why I'm awake I see the hazel eye starring with regret and love

I look away and never look back

I will arrive my destination In three hours

I wake up and get off along with the five males at a small town

They follow me a little but I find my car I will be.using a mustang can drive fast that's my only escape from them

I get in and drive off I find the place in a motel small quiet just how I like it my weapons are in here

I will finish my mission tomorrow and head back the next day I let sleep take over my body and dream about a hazel eye brunette.

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