how do you know what love is

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Cassandra pov

Its been three days Daniel still hasn't left he's still there Jessie and Jake come through the window and bring me food they get my homework too from school and Daniel is still sitting next to my door.

I hear three footsteps coming towards my door

"Man you have it bad" one says

"I'm not giving up" Daniel says

"You know your mom wants to meet her she knows" another one says

"Yeah does she know I screwed everything up" Daniel says

"Yeah she knows that"

"I love her" Daniel says

"And if it means I have to due for her so be it" he says again

Then I gasp my eyes turn silver I hear banging on the door but I'm gone I'm at a old warehouse

"Hello beautiful" the head guy from my dream says And touches my face

I don't like him touching me

"Who are you ?" I say

"You'll know me soon enough" he says

Touching my hair and sniffing my hair I started getting disgusted he tried touching other places and I hit my head with his he started bleeding

"I like you" he says

And I say other people the girl and a army and the guy

I wake up and start panicking

Saying get away from me and I see Daniel and.three boys I start crying and start putting myself into a ball then I started blacking out

And Daniel catched me before I fell saying " I got you"

I'm in the meadow again and I see Rosa

"Rosa somethings wrong" I say

"I know child there is evil out here that wants you wants what you have" Rosa said

"I'm not.special" I say

"Yes you care your mother said You were" Rosa said

"My mother is dead No what she's not coming back and I'm not special" I say

"Yes you are" Rosa said

"If I was special my mom would have died my dad would have been.there for us to stop my Mom from dying and I wouldn't ho through this and I would be normal I won't have random stuff happening" I say

"With that attitude you'll turn into something that this world will fear and I'm giving you these gifts so you can have a happy life" Rosa said

"Yeah if you want to help you would tell me what I get you'll save my mom and I wouldn't be like this you want to help help me with that" I say

"I planned this for you the world is waiting for you" Rosa said

"You planned my mom's death" I say angry

I see people watching

"You need to calm down Cassandra" Rosa says

" need to tell me the truth rosa" I say

"I did she wanted me too" Rosa said

I was running at her I grabbed.her

"Wait Cassandra" she says but I held her back to hard she passed out I had regrets but anger consumed me  it started turning dark

And now I see nothing but dark

I hear laughing and saying "your one of us now"

"No I'm not I'm a monstr" I say regretting what I did

"Yes you are can't you see your an amazing
Thing" someone says

"This thing I don't know what I am" I say

"Come sister join us"

"No I'm a horrible person Rosa didn't deserve that" I say

"Yea she did she killed your mother she had your life in her hands and ruined you"

"I feel bad" I say

"You never feel bad she deserved what she got"

"Yes she did do you know.what I am" I say

"Yes your something great you need to follow me I know more than.rosa"

"Okay I will" I say

"But you get rid of some one"

"Who" is say

"The boy the boy is keeping you here"

"Who Daniel I don't care.for.him" I say

"We make.sure see you soon"

I wake up with a burning another tattoo. I look in the mirror

I see Daniel starring at me

"How do you feel" he says

"Well I was.great till I saw you" I say

"I'm sorry give me a shot I was a player can I have a second chance" he says

I felt a thing go past me

"Are you kidding me" I say but I'm not controlled by my words

"I'm sorry cass" he says

"Only my friends can call me that" I say

"Okay sorry please" he says

"You stole my first kiss you forced it you didn't ask you did it twice not once" I say

"I'm sorry I couldn't help myself I Can't help myself your beautiful and I wouldn't live with myself if I didn't get a second chance" he says

"Then die" I say I cry I'm not saying this

"I love you okay" I say

"How do you know what love is your a player I can't stand you stay away" I say

I leave and go to my room and pack I'm not doing this I walk out and am surround by people then I get knocked out and all I see is black

And tell Daniel save me

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