An Afternoon of Wit and Repartee

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"Snap out of it!" Cha Eun Sang chastised herself as she walked out the campus. "What he said didn't matter. It doesn't matter. It shouldn't," she thought.

She took out her ipod from her bag and put her earplugs on as she walked away from Jeguk High. She still had time to kill before her shift starts; she did not have any idea where she wanted to go so she just walked aimlessly. Besides, she needed a distraction. She didn't want to be thinking about what Choi Young Do said earlier.

She scoffed. Choi Young Do likes her? "Get over yourself, Cha Eun Sang," she thought as she walked further away from the campus to nowhere. She didn't mind walking aimlessly as long as she listened to music. Music has always calmed her; it amazed her how music can wound or heal someone. It amazed her what music can do when done beautifully. She smiled when she heard the intro to Passion Pit's Take A Walk. "How appropriate," she thought. She smiled then turned volume all the way up and continued walking, her head bobbing to the music blasting off her headset.

All these kinds of places
Make it seem like it's been ages
Tomorrow some new building will scrape the sky
I love this country dearly

I can feel the ladder clearly
But I never thought I'd be alone to try
Once I was outside Penn station
Selling red and white carnations

We were still alone,
My wife and I
Before we marry, save my money
Brought my dear wife over
Now I want to bring my family state side

But off the boat they stayed awhile
Then scattered across the coast
Once a year I'll see them for a week or so at most

I took a walk
Take a walk, take a walk, take a walk
Take a walk, take a walk, take a walk

She whipped around when she felt someone grab her left arm. "What the fu—"

"Language, Cha Eun Sang."

"Choi Young Do," she heaved a sigh as she took her earplugs off with her right hand. "What?"

Choi Young Do didn't let go of her arm but held her by the wrist instead. He smiled at her; it was a laughless smile and it reeked of mockery. Yet there was something in his eyes, strikingly black—the color of the skies full of stars—and the way they contrasted with his white complexion that made her pause. He looked very handsome today. So handsome she could practically feel a physical pain in her chest.

"Handsome? This guy?" she thought. "What are you thinking, Cha Eun Sang?"

He was not supposed to be handsome! She was not supposed to find him handsome! He was a bully, he was rich, stupid, repulsive! This one . . . this . . . How unfair of him to be rich and beautiful.

She shifted on her feet as he frowned down at her, surveying her in turn.


She blinked and took a step back. "What what?"

"You're staring, Cha Eun Sang."

She almost apologized, but stopped. He was an arrogant, high and mighty yet utterly impudent rich kid with a sense of entitlement. "Let go of my hand."

"I'm not holding you by the hand, technically."

She rolled her eyes and yet again shifted on her feet. "Let go of my wrist."

""I was totally kidding," he said, letting go of her wrist.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She scoffed and raised a hand dismissively as she started walking towards the bench nearby.

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