Cat and Mouse

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"This table is mine," Choi Young Do plopped his plate down next to hers.

Cha Eun Sang stopped chewing her food for a moment.

"This is mine," Choi Young Do motioned at the table where Cha Eun Sang was eating lunch by herself.

She did not bother to look at him. Instead, she continued to chew her food down even when she felt him sit on the empty chair beside her.

"Aren't you going to leave?" he asked.

Annoyed, she put her plate and drinks on the tray then stood without a word. She made a move to transfer to a nearby table to eat in peace.

Cha Eun Sang shrieked, "what the hell?"

Choi Young Do smirked. He stuck out his foot to trip her, he succeeded. Students started to gather around their area.

She was curled on the floor, holding the tray of food she was carrying. Well, there was no food on the tray now. There they were, scattered on the floor and on her school uniform.

"Are you okay?" Young Do asked in mock concern.

Cha Eun Sang let out a sarcastic laugh. Only a fool wouldn't have seen or known that he purposely tripped her over. She stared at him with eyes like dagger.

He reached out a hand to help her stand, but, she didn't take it. "Don't touch me," she snapped.

She helped herself stand up, clearly fighting her tears and hating him even more than usual.

He was taken aback by the anger, no, more like hatred in her eyes. But he ignored it. He shrugged, "okay." He made a move towards her, "who knows, this might be your last day at Jeguk High."

He is feared and hated by every student for so many reasons but there is always this one concrete fact everyone knows: that his father is a major shareholder of their school and that no matter the number of times he violates the school rules they can never kick him out from his own school.

However, he could have someone kicked out.

Just last week, he filed a lawsuit against Moon Joon-youn. The latter hit him after he was provoked. "Good," he thought It took Moon Joon-youn long enough to get this provoked by my bullying. Someone like him, someone of his welfare status doesn't deserve to stay in Jeguk High. He threatened Joon-youn with the lawsuit he filed; he told him that he would drop the lawsuit once he drops out of Jeguk High or once he transfers to another school.

Joon-youn stopped coming to Jeguk High since their talk on Thursday.

Once every five years his father (Choi Dong-Wook) grants scholarships to one student who comes from a lower class family background but intelligent enough to deserve the scholarship grant, and probably smart enough to survive Jeguk High. This school year, however, there were already three scholars who forfeited their scholarship, no thanks to him.

Cha Eun Sang was the newest transferee. He did not really bother girls before. She just became his target by association--she was Kim Tan's closest friend and he figured that bothering her was the best way to annoy the latter. Kim Tan, his best friend until just recently.

He smirked when he saw a trace of panic passed by her eyes. She was standing now, her eyes in level with his. She lifted her chin defiantly, "I can't wait to not ever deal with your infantile antics again."

He could feel the eyes of the students looking at them.

He walked towards her as if to intimidate her, "What did you just say?"

But Cha Eun Sang, she didn't budge. Not even one bit. "I don't have the habit of repeating myself."

He grinned and moved one step closer to her. His voice low, but, clear enough to be heard. "You are just a charity case in this school."

He saw her clenched and unclenched her fist. She narrowed her eyes and folded her arms, like she was forcing herself to just stand there. Like what she really wanted to do was hit him with a tray.


He looked as she walked away, out of the cafeteria. Amused, he started to laugh.


Cha Eun Sang screamed, frustrated. She ran out of expletives. She'd stayed in the washroom for over ten minutes, dabbing wet tissue on her stained school uniform but the stains weren't coming off.

She sighed. "I just hope I could remove these stains once I soaked them in bleaching powder."

She sighed again and pointed at her reflection in the mirror. "Cha Eun Sang, you should never give Choi Young Do the satisfaction of kicking you out of this prestigious school."

She fixed her hair, then walked towards the door.

She turned the doorknob. "Huh? What's wrong with this door?"

She turned the doorknob again. Again. And Again. And Again. "What is this?"

"You're locked in there until you apologize to me," she heard a voice from outside.


"Cha Eun Sang, apologize to me."

"Choi Young Do?"

She heard him chuckle. "The one and only."

She pounded on the door. "Are you crazy? Let me out of here!"

She had to go to her part-time job. She was absent for three days because her mom got sick and she had to take care of her. This morning, when she dropped by the coffee shop she works at after three consecutive days of absence, she told her boss that yesterday would be the last time she would be absent.

"You just have to say the magic word then I'll let you out," she heard him say behind the closed door.

She rolled her eyes even when he couldn't see her. She took out her phone to send Kim Tan a text and inform him of the situation. But. Phone battery was dead. Frustrated, she let out a heavy breath.

"Okay, Young Do. I apologize," she said in between gritted teeth.

"There you go, but, try to sound sincere."

She rolled her eyes again, the freak sure sounded pleased.

"I am sorry for everything," she said, trying to sound as sincere as she possibly could.

She heard him chuckle. "That's more like it. Apology accepted."

She heard the door clicked. She turned the knob, it opened.

Choi Young Do sure looked please with himself. He was standing by the side of the door as she walked out the washroom.

"Good job," he clapped as soon as he saw her came out of the washroom.

She haughtily walked towards him and without warning, she kicked him as hard as she possibly could.

"Aw!" he snapped at her. "What the hell did you do that for?" he asked, slightly stroking his hurt leg.

She smirked, "haven't I already apologized for everything?" She almost laughed at the look of frustration in his face. "Everything, including the things I'll do in the future," she added.

"You're unbelievable!" he exclaimed.

"Strike one," she thought. She walked right past him, a triumphant smile played on her lips.

Off to her part-time job she went."Strike one," she thought.

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