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Hello, this is Khalizzie.

I would like to thank you all for your patience and understanding.

I apologize to have kept you waiting. I have read your lovely messages asking me how I am and when I was going to update the story, and I apologize that I didn't respond because I didn't know when and how I was going to continue this story. I did reply to some messages back in 2016 that I would update soon, when schedule at school becomes less hectic and I apologize for not keeping my word.

Over the years that I haven't been actively writing or journaling or updating this story, I was trying to experience life and achieving some dreams; trying my luck in grad school (didn't finish), teaching at a local college, teaching at the uni I graduated from, being in a healthy committed relationship, teaching at an international school (kindergarten) abroad, learning how to drink cocktails, learning how to cook and bake, learning how to sew, meeting other people, unlearning my internalized misogyny, unlearning the beliefs that I once thought were absolute, discovering things about myself I even surprised myself at what I found, and navigating my mid and late 20s with both the enthusiasm and fear of a child.

I spent my 30th and 31st birthday at home because of COVID-19 but I'm still thankful that I'm here. My 20s was a very tumultuous time. It's too soon to say that my 30s would be any better but for now, my 30s has a semblance of peace. I'm okay (I think). I'm reading, listening to music, watching movies, scrolling through Tiktok videos, cooking for my family, talking to friends I can't see yet because of the pandemic, talking and dumping my trauma to friends I met online, and preparing for my new job,etc.

I meant to update this fanfic, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was afraid that since it's been a long time since the update, that it would not measure up to your expectations. I wish I realized sooner that I should have trusted you the way you trusted me, the way you trusted my writing. I wish I realized sooner that you wouldn't judge me as harshly as I would judge my writing. I apologize.

Over the years, I've become very critical of my writing and I honestly deliberately avoiding reading this story and going back to this because I was afraid that it was gonna make me cringe. And cringe, I did. My college teacher used to tell us that when we cringe after reading our old papers, that meant we have grown as story tellers. I wanted to believe that.

I wanted to change or edit almost everything in the story, the character's language, the prose, the dialogue, etc. There were so many things I wanted to change about this story that I couldn't bring myself to write an update. But I realized that if I updated it to the way how I wish it was written, it would be a different story and it would be written by a different person. I was a different person when I started writing this story and if I changed the 13 parts, it would seem like a betrayal

Now, I have come to realize that I didn't need to change them, so we can see our progress as storytellers together. It's like we're in this journey together and we progress and grow together.

Thank you for being patient with me.

I want you to know that I will be uploading an update on this story on Saturday, August 28.

Again, thank you very much.


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