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Post #10 : Hugs = Lifesavers.

I am going to propose the act of hugging to the UN for the promotion of World Peace. Never knew that one embrace can solve so much.

When I reached bae's home, standing at the front door I had started having second thoughts. But before I could turn around and hide away from all of the drama, the door opened and in front of me stood bae, all decked up in his woollens.

Even when he was clothed to resemble a hippopotamus residing in Antarctica, he looked damn cute. Plus points to his red nose which reminded me of Rudolph.

Are these signs of me falling in love? I hope not.

I thought he would frown at me, go back inside his house and I would have to cry rivers and apologise. But, he surprised me when he shut the door close, grabbed my forearm and pulled me down to sit on the steps - beside him.

And then tumbled the stress-inducing four words from his mouth.

"We need to talk."

I swear to God, guys, nothing can get you more tensed than those words. Makes you review all the sins you've never even committed in your life. Even if you've lived it as a saint.

But gathering some courage I gave him an affirmative nod, all the time internally dreading his next words. Would he say he no longer wants to see me? Or that all of this was a waste of time and effort  for him? Or that he found someone more interesting online?

Or what if he tells me he realised that he wasn't built to love women? That would be a serious issue then.

Turns out he just wanted to know my side of the events that had occurred which I happily gave him. I told him all about my ex, the reason he's my ex, his extreme levels of possessiveness and how I never meant for any of this to happen.

When I finished explaining everything we spent a minute or two in silence, him assimilating all the information I had just shared and me regretting not telling him this before. Come to think of it I could have easily avoided all of these miscommunications had I been smarter.

Soon his arms wound around me and he tightly embraced me. He had his face hidden in the base of my neck and his slow, deep breaths fanned over my skin. I don't know how long we sat like that, my eyes were closed and I had lost myself to the feeling of comfort his hug gave me.

Finally after an eternity - not that I'm complaining - he let go. The previous sadness in his eyes were now nowhere to be seen and the smile that I had come to fall in love with had made its grand return.

I could go through Hell and back just for that smile.

He said he forgave me and got me to promise that I'll never hide anything from him again, something that I happily obliged to do so. I hope I can say that we're back to normal now.

We're meeting tomorrow. He says he has a surprise planned out for me. Any wild guesses by you guys?

Before signing off I want to remind all of you that - Miscommunications can only bring the death of a relationship if you don't clarify them soon. I almost made that mistake today. Please don't follow my steps on it.

Always yours,
Sama xx

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