#Janya <Part 1>

18 5 3

/Write a scene that includes: cheesy pick-up lines, a(n) OTP, a Ferris Wheel and smoothies./

Post #7 : Last Night, Date Night

Okay, just wow. You guys never fail to amaze me. Thank you to each and every single one of you who dropped me a comment/congratulation on my previous post. Thank you for all this love and positivity, it's overwhelming. And I know there are many things that I should be thanking you guys for, but most importantly it should be for the support. So yeah, thank you for being there for me loves x

You guys are no less than family, eh?
And family share the juicy details of their dates right? Get ready for some serious Nickara (lol I'll never get used to this ship name) moments, you lot =P

I spent the early half of my day with my bestestest (I know that's no word) friend in the entire world, lazing around and doing nothing in specific. Typical us. I'd missed her terribly and I hadn't even realised that until I met her today.

I'd have loved to tell you that I wore a cute little dress for my first date, but I was too lazy to do that and had settled with my trusted pair of jeans. And you'll actually see that I made a smart decision there. SO, DON'T HATE ON ME FOR MY FASHION CHOICES!

Now I'll save you from the burden of heavy detailing as much as I can. But at places, where I might seem to carry on and on and on, just bear with me (like you always do.)

He came to pick me up around 4:30pm and had a little chit-chat with my brother. You know, the usual "don't think you can mess with her and leave unharmed" and "bring her back by so-and-so time" and surprisingly there was some sports talk too.

Trust testosterone to bring sports anytime, anywhere.

Side note : I have a feeling bae scored brownie points with my brother for that. Because bhai was pretty eager to send me off with him, not that I'm protesting or anything.

Bae had tried really hard for a bad boy vibe with his choice of clothes, but we all know how much of a sweetheart he is. So, instead of looking badass, he looked terribly cute. And his angel-like manners didn't help him much.

For the location, I'd wanted to visit a nearby town's summer festival and that's exactly where we went.

At the fair, we tried all sorts of rides that we could see. We played all sorts of stall games that were there and he even won me a cute little teddy bear (#goals) that instantly became my favourite stuffed toy ever. We stupidly slurped on smoothies while roaming around the fair and clicked several selfies too. We even raced each other in go-karts and obviously the better one won, that's me.

There were some moments when things went kind of wrong but we quickly overcame them and made our way to the Ferris Wheel, the last bit of tonight's date.

I don't know how many of you would agree with me but I believe that there's some sort of magic in a Ferris Wheel that it simply snaps away all your previous feelings and fills you with a sense of awe. Especially when you're looking at the twinkling little lights and the bustling life of the fair from a height. It made me almost feel like I could fly, silly thought I know, but a true one.

Secondly, Ferris Wheels set the right mood for a good ol' kiss. Like, which girl wouldn't want to kiss the love of her life when she's so high up above in the sky with only the wind to disturb them and the moonlight to witness them?

But Fate hates me. And so it decided to disrupt my perfect moment, again. This time with a sudden jerk when we reached the top of the wheel causing us to hit our foreheads. Though the moment was ruined, the mood wasn't. So I was still counting on that goodnight kiss.

We reached home a little late than my curfew and I was greeted by my brother and his best-friend (zhe ex) sitting at the front porch waiting for me. Sigh. No kiss there too.

After saying our goodbyes I avoided the boys' questioning glances and quickly went back up to my room, where, still in my date dress I turned my laptop on and here I am.

I enjoyed my day guys, despite those negative moments. And I hope you did too. It's necessary that we love our life and live the moment, enjoying it to the most. So start doing what you want to dearies, just be reasonable with it yeah?

Love you all,
Sama xo

Oh My Blog!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora