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/ Not a prompt. /

(I present to you procrastination at its best. Tada!)

Post #5.5 : Filler Post *yawn*

Two posts in one day? Woo!

So, I realized that I haven't told you guys much about myself. Except for some really random facts. I know that I can't give away major chunks of information like my location or name, etc. but the little things can make do, right?

This blog post will be full of facts about me so feel free to scroll right to the end and skip it. I'll try to make it read-worthy :)

Now who's ready for a three-course data meal on the story of my life?

For the starters, my name is not Sama. That's an abbreviation of my name though. You can try guessing my name, I'd love to see your trials. Also I'm Asian. I won't mention more on that front.

I'm a bookworm with a touch of tech savvy-ness within me. Picking out a favourite book is hard but I absolutely adore the Divergent series and the Percy Jackson series. Same goes for a favourite gadget. It's hard to choose when everyday a better product is being released!

For all of you wondering if I've ever tried writing something on my own then, yes, I have. I have an account on this amazing site called Wattpad.com where the list of praises for it never ends. It has its own cons too though. If any of you are interested in knowing more then let me know!

I'm even addicted to YouTube. And Tumblr. And Instagram. I can't help it. I just love ruining my life like this.

Academically I'm average I guess. A's in many subjects but also B's in a few. On the other side, I'm on my school's skate team and I've represented my school at various levels. There's just something about speed which thrills me. Naturally, because of the sport I play, I have a grand total of 3 fractures in the past. 2 minor and 1 major. And seeing the damage it's done to my body my family is reluctant to let me skate any further, but meh I won't listen to them.

Since the topic of speed has come up I'll let you know that I'm so slow while driving that you can probably walk past me while I'm at it. Don't laugh, I'm trying to be a safe driver.

In the main course comes the topic of family. Ours is a nuclear family. Well, kind of. Because my grandparents live as our neighbours on one side and my Uncle-Aunt as the other. My dad is an orthodontist (which explains my appreciation of bae's Colgate smile) and my mum a psychiatrist. They have their own cliché high school story minus the high school and plus the medical university they both attended. It's actually pretty cute to listen to but only the first few times.

I have two siblings - an elder brother, that you all know about, and a younger sister. I got the best of both worlds yay! My brother has graduated junior college (education system here is a bit different) and will soon be attending college. He aspires to be a cardiologist and I'm worried about his future patients already. I haven't told you all about my ambitions have I? Well, I see myself as an established lawyer in the next 12-15 years. My sister on the other hand is quite young to be talking about ambitions.

And the dessert is of course my love life. There's not much to share actually. We have pretty strict rules from the 'rents when it comes to dating and relationships. So most of them remained as crushes itself. But for the records let me tell you that I have dated my brother's best friend. Admitting that makes me feel more like a walking live-cliché now. We're not together anymore but sometimes I think he doesn't get that point and he starts acting all possessive and alpha male-ish when he's around.

But that's all in the past. Bae's the major boom in my life at the moment. I met him on Wattpad and soon we just started connecting through all sorts of social media. It's nothing interesting. Sorry :|

I think that's it. I apologize if I've bored you with this post tonight but I just thought that this was necessary.

Sama xx


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