Chapter 45 A world of Pain

Start from the beginning

Taryn gritted her teeth and gave a stiff nod.
“You’ll continue living with Kakashi,” the Hokage said in a gentle tone, “he’s shown you nothing but kindness. He risked the respect of his friends for you. Do you really want to hurt his feelings by leaving?”
Taryn looked at the floor. “I’ll hurt him more by staying,” she said softly.
Sarutobi watched her sadly. So she did have feelings for the masked shinobi. “I’ll talk to Kakashi,” he said comforting, “perhaps send you on a mission with some of the others? I think Asuma wouldn’t have any objections if you go with him and Choza.”

Taryn looked up hesitantly. “It’s not… Kakashi’s fault.”
“I know,” Sarutobi said, “but I’ll temper him a bit.” He stood up and walked over to her, placing a hand against her cheek. “Kakashi is your friend,” he said, “just talk to him.” Taryn nodded. “Good,” Sarutobi said, “now go. I have a lot of work to do.”




“I see,” the White Fang of Konoha said to his son, “so you’ve had your share of trouble too.”
Kakashi sighed and nodded. He had just told his father about Obito and his Sharingan. He silently wondered if this was where he would spend the rest of eternity. It was good, setting things right with his father. But eventually they would run out of things to say.
His thoughts returned to Taryn, as always when he was troubled. He wished he could have seen her one last time.
“Thinking about that girl of yours?” his father asked with a  sad smile.
“Yeah,” Kakashi sighed, “I wish I could have said goodbye to her.”
“There is no right way to say goodbye. Not for something like this.”

“Last time I saw her… we had an argument of some sort. She was hurt and I tried to comfort her, but… I realize now that I was jut being insensitive. No wonder she got so mad.”
“I’m sorry,” his father said.
Kakashi shook his head. “No. It’s my fault.”
“We often hurt the people we love.” He gave a rueful smile. “I should know.”
“You did the right thing,” Kakashi said, “I see that now. I forgave you and… I’m proud of you.”
A smile appeared on his father’s face. “Thank you,” he said, “I’m glad to hear that.”
Suddenly a strange light surrounded Kakashi and it felt as if something was pulling on him. He gasped. His father looked at him calmly. “It seems you’re wanted back,” he said, “looks like you still have things to do.”
“Dad,” Kakashi said.
His father smiled. “I’m glad I was able to speak with you. Thank you for forgiving me. Now I can finally move on and see your mother again…. Make up with that girl of yours.” His voice became fainter and other sounds became clear. He could feel his body again, feel the stones under his back. His body drew breath. Slowly his eyes fluttered open.

“We should go,” Shikamaru said softly. He had come across Taryn and Choji when he had roamed around town. He had sat with them for a while, but there was nothing they could do. They should go find out if there were survivors.
He gently took Taryn’s arm to help her up. She wasn’t being very cooperative.
When he heard Choji’s gasp he turned around. Taryn didn’t even seem to hear it. She was still in a daze. When he saw the reason for Choji’s reaction, his eyes went wide. Choza was sitting up. How was that even possible? Then he heard a groan and he turned around again. Kakashi had opened his eyes and was trying to sit up. Shikamaru stared at him in disbelieve. ‘But they were dead… how can they…’

Kakashi opened his eyes and squinted. The light hurt his eyes after that night at the campfire. Vaguely he became aware of his surroundings. Konoha…or the remains of it. He remembered the explosion.
A sob not far away from him made him look up. ‘Taryn?’ He eyed her confused. Involuntarily his hand moved to her cheek. “Am I dead then?” he whispered, “is this heaven?”
A mass of girl fell in his arms and he winced.
“I’m sorry,” Taryn sobbed.
He patted her back confused. Then she suddenly pushed away from him and glared at him. She slapped his shoulder. “Idiot!” she shouted, “don’t you ever scare me like that again! I thought you were dead! I thought I had lost you too!”
“Take it easy Taryn,” Shikamaru’s voice said.
Kakashi turned his head. “Shikamaru? Choji? What happened?”
“We don’t know. Everyone came back.”
“Choza?” Kakashi questioned.
“Here,” came his friend’s voice, “I’m alright.” He too sounded confused.
Kakashi turned to Taryn again. The girl still seemed upset. “Hey,” he said softly, “I’m alright.”
She gave a nod and let out a shaky breath. They eyed each other for a moment. “What were you doing here?” he asked. He knew it wasn’t coincidence that she was here in Konoha.
Taryn shook her head. “It’s not important anymore.” Sasuke wasn’t here and she was tired of chasing him. She couldn’t do it alone anymore. She would need some help, but it would have to wait. She needed to talk to someone else first.
Kakashi eyed her curiously, but didn’t comment. He had some idea as to what it was about and now was not the time.
He crawled to his feet. “We should find out what is going on,” he said and looked at Taryn. “What can you see?”

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