Chapter 4: The Hospital

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Kally opened her eyes and cringed. there was a blinding light shinning above and it made her head throb she tried to turn to look around but the movement sent searing pain through her neck and she moaned

"hello, sleepy" a smooth male voice said from somewhere but all Kally could see was a blinding white light. she was terrified but she took a deep breath "Who's there" she tried to say, but all that came out was a wheeze. a large cup was brought to her lips

"drink" the voice said. and Kally drank without question. when the cup was empty she tried again "who are you? where am I?"  

"You are in a hospital"

"a hospital?" Kally asked confused

"yes. you got a nasty head wound from that branch you hit, and you got some whip lash from the fall"

"no. where am I!" Kally was starting to panic

"I already said, your in a hospital" The voice had a hint of some  unknown accent. Kally tried to sit up but winced as her whole body seized in pain

"don't try to move. you've been here for a while, so you'll be fairly sore. and depending on how long you were on that log, you will be sore for a few days." she felt pressure on her left wrist, then a sigh came from her left

"It's still soaring." a hard, raspy voice said

"Yes. well, she's in pain and she seems a bit scared." the smooth voice replied

"It's still a bit odd. keep your eyes on her while we try to locate her family." there were foot steps followed by a door closing.

"Hello?" Kally asked

"Still here." the soft voice answered.

"Where am I? and where is my family? what happened? who ARE you?" Kally's head still throbbed but she wanted answers. she would not let this unknown man confuse her.

"I already told you, we are in a hospital and you fell and bumped your head pretty damn hard." Kally blinked furiously

"I don't know what a hospital is!" she screamed trying to keep the tears in her eyes from falling. there was a long pause and then the voice cleared his throat

"what's your name?" he asked

"Kally Everblood"

"how old are you?"


"where do you live?"

"my town" Kally was confused but tempted to go back to sleep, her head felt so cloudy.

"Kally, are you telling the truth?" Kally nodded slowly.  she felt hands touching her on her neck, wrists, and legs. slight pressures relieving all over her. suddenly the bright white light turned off and she saw spots. Hands wrapped around her back and propped her up. Kally's eyes adjusted to the dark and she saw a shadow of a man in front of her

"kally, do you feel like you can walk?" the voice asked Kally twitched her feet and toes

"I'm not sure" suddenly the shadow gestured for her to try. Kally slid off of the platform and the white paper night gown she seemed to be wearing crinkled uncomfortably she was on and collapsed to the ground

"I can't feel my legs!" she screeched suddenly the shadow stepped forward and lifted her up. she wrapped her arms around his neck and they started moving toward the door. when it opened Kally couldn't believe her eyes. She was staring at a long white hallway with weird flooring that had hundreds of tiny squares. white light, like the kind from before was pouring on her from the ceiling. but it was something more then just bright sunlight. they walked down the hallway and over to a large metal door. it made a high pitched binging sound and the doors slid open, they stepped inside the small empty square room and the man pushed a button on the wall labeled B. the whole room shifted and began vibrating slightly. Kally felt like she was falling slowly. a few seconds later the metal doors pinged again and they walked out into a large dimly lit area that echoed every foot step. Kally and the man moved toward the darkest section and he set her down. she stood "hey, I can walk!" she said walking in circles.

"when I open this door, you run straight into the forest, and keep running straight. don't stop for anyone or anything. just run. you will evntually reach your town gates. when they ask you what happened say you got lost in the forest, when they ask you about your head say your fine." Kally squinted into the darkness

"so your asking me to lie to my people?"

"I'm asking you to survive. if you tell them what happened today they will" -the voice paused- " believe you and you will be the laughing stalk of the whole town."

"what does that have anything to do with surviving?" she asked skeptically. the man sighed

"listen Kally,not everything in your world is as great as it seems"

"what's that supposed to mean?"

"just. don't say anything if you know whats good for you." he reached out and ripped the thin paper night gown off of her. then he turned and walked back to where they came from. just as the metal door pinged and slid shut Kally saw a glimpse of his face. and without another word she spun around and out the door.

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