Chapter 3 ~ Trust

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We managed a solid hour of studying, but given the fact that it was a hot Friday summer's afternoon, our minds quickly wandered to more interesting topics of conversation than what the European Empire could offer. Conversations of nothing turned into lounging in front of the television, talking nonsensically about random things in our own lives. Harry talked about his parents a lot, and I tried to avoid any discussion of my own.

Harry prepared a quick dinner for his younger sisters and then ordered a pizza for us to share. Breanna had left the house hours ago for a party, and so after we'd eaten our pizza and Harry had put Daisy and Jasmine to bed, it was just the two of us. Alone. In his living room. Watching television together. Our hands slightly touching in the space between us. It was so insanely frustrating that it drove me absolutely crazy.

"Can I ask you something?" Harry said, breaking the frustrating silence.

"You just did," I smirked. Harry rolled his eyes and I said, "Yes."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

I was surprised by this question – I thought he'd try and ask more about my family or something. "No," I answered. "I broke up with my now ex-boyfriend last year. We didn't end all that well."

"Oh?" Harry prompted out of curiosity.

I sighed. Andy was the last person I wanted to talk about now, especially to Harry. "After everything that happened with my parents and brother, he thought I would immediately move in with him, and that we could play the happy family and everything. I said I didn't want that. Then he got frustrated that I was still a virgin. Then he was all, 'I need emotional support from you, but I'm not getting it. You're so selfish.' And then I finally broke up with him, because he was just being really immature."

Harry stayed silent for a few moments as he took this in. Eventually, he reached his hand out and placed it gently over mine. It was too warm and clammy, but I didn't mind in the slightest.

"I'm sorry," Harry said sincerely.

I shrugged, trying to avoid thinking of the heartbreak, looking instead at our touching hands.

"If you ever need anything," Harry continued, "support or whatever, you can always come to me."

I smiled and looked up into his gorgeous hazel eyes. "Thank you." And in spite of all the rules I'd set myself for this year, and in spite of my better judgement, I leaned over our touching hands and kissed Harry on his cheek. His stubble tickled my lips, but the kiss was only light, and I did not allow it to linger.

"Wow," Harry finally said.

I did not say anything. I smiled and closed the space between us, wrapping my arms around him and hugging myself to his side. I don’t know why I did it, but it just felt right. He put his right arm around me, and then mumbled, more to himself than to me, "Fucking hell, girls are confusing."

            *          *          *

I woke up in a strange bed, to strange smells. I faintly recognised the smell, though it was heavily obscured by cigarette smoke. Someone was gently shaking me awake.

"Mia," Harry whispered. "Mia, wake up."

I opened my eyes groggily to meet Harry's infectious grin, even if it was too early to be grinning. He was uniquely beautiful in the morning, his bed hair a gorgeous tousled mess.

And then I realised I was in Harry's bed.

"Why- How- What-" I began, but I did not know what question to ask.

"You fell asleep last night. I did too," Harry began. "Mum and Vince got home at two and that woke me up. It was too late to take you home, and Mum insisted that you stay the night."

ForgottenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora