Chapter 17 || Training

Start from the beginning

She laughed, "I will be sure not to miss that."

She stopped laughing, and had a serious look on her face. "Hey, thank you for listening last night. And for letting me play your guitar. I forgot how much I missed singing. And for not judging me based on everything."

I stroked her cheek, "No problem, Warrior Princess. And you can take the guitar anytime you want."

She smiled and put her hoodie back on, "So, how do I go out of here now? I can't have people see me like this."

"You look fine."

She gave me the stop-lying face. "I'm serious! No one is gonna care," I said.

She groaned and mumbled "Fine."

I shook my head, as she gave me quick peck on the lips. She walked towards the door and opened it, before walking out she winked and smiled.

I just stared after her, I sat down on my bed. I put my head in my hands and groaned. I want to hold her again. I want to kiss her until our lips go numb. I want to touch every part of her body. I want her to moan my name. I want to feel her body against me.

"What the hell are you doing to me, Alex?" I said out loud.

I shook my head and got off my bed. I stared at my black guitar, thinking of the song she sang last night. Suddenly, an idea came in my mind.

I wrote a Fire-Message to all the guys, telling them the plan for tonight.

I quickly took a shower and put on my black skinny jeans and my FireBlazers leather jacket. And got ready for the fighting.

Alex's POV

I stood in front of the FireBlazer Coven with Ryan beside me. I stared across the field, watching all the Covens radiate with Magic.

"Mother, has requested our presence," Ryan said, he knew I didn't want to see her. I told him about what happened last night with Evelyn. He knew everything already, but he wanted Evelyn to be the one to tell me the truth. We both established that even though Ryan was my half-brother, it doesn't matter to me because he is my brother and nothing will change that.

"Alright." I said with a sigh. We started walking towards the Golden Tower. I decided to ask him about Izzy.

"So, tell me about Izzy. How did you two meet?"

His lips curled upwards at her mention, "We met during one of our training sessions. Everyone here is required to learn physical combat. We were both paired together. Two different people. Fire and Water. It was hard to get along at first. She beat my ass every time we started combat. We both a made a bet once, whoever won a combat, the loser would have to do whatever the winner wanted. She thought she had it in the bag," He chuckled, his eyes twinkling.

He continued, "I tricked her, and I won. She was shocked, nonetheless she had to do whatever I wanted. So, I made her go on a date with me. She was reluctant but she didn't have a choice. I took her to a secret cave, where you could see the Lake Lynn in the distance. We talked all night, I attempted to make jokes and make her laugh. She, for once, had put down her guard. After the date, I kissed her and things went really well. After that, we hadn't made it official yet but we hung out all the time. We fought over the stupidest stuff. She is a calm person but she is stubborn. And I get fired up over pretty much everything. Perks of being a FireBlazer. Anyway, I finally asked her out, and we've been together since then. And I can't explain to you how she makes me feel. She makes me want to punch a wall and kiss her at the same time. We fight a lot, but my day always sucks if we don't make up. Either I make it up to her or she does to me. Everyone thinks we're not the best pair since we always get each other mad. But we're each others support. I make sure she doesn't do anything stupid and she keeps me in line. We're miserable without each other. So why not be miserable together? And honestly, I'm usually the one that fucks things up but I can't imagine my life without her."

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