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I wake up and check on my phone ,it's 4:30 and I wake up without any alarm. To be honest I never slept last night, I cried and called Gus just to listen his voice on call record and looked at his photos to be lost in his blue ravishing eyes but I just couldn't .

I get up after an hour and half. I soon compelete my daily chores. And now on my way downstairs for my breakfast.

"Morning , hon" my parents say in compelete unison.

I really don't know how they do that . "How was your sleep ?" asked my mother. "It was grand."saying this reminds me of Gus.
"You were moaning all night , honey". "What can you expect from one who is about to die."

After that I leave the house for my claases as if there was a hurricane. I felt bad. But I really can't tell them that I was crying because everything reminds me of the dead love of my life.

I drive my mother's car to my classes when suddenly I heard Gus' voice saying OK in my mind. I stop the car and softly sat NO AGUSTUS WATERS, I AM NOT OKAY WITHOUT YOU .

I soon reached my class and same boring lectures started again. It was all quite normal.

My classes were about to be over when suddenly I received a voice message from Issac and I replied.

Issac: come over.
Me : be there in ten.

My teacher saw me. He beamed and turned away which was again a cancer perk.

After that I drove to Issac's place and texted my mom.

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