An Evening Run

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Skye POV

I can't believe it we jumped like it was nothing. I don't get why it surprises me that we did I mean we do it all the time when it comes to running away from things like this. Don't get me wrong we could always do with a little fun in our lives. I thought as we were falling.

It seemed like for ever but it was only 5 seconds. When I hit I tucked and rolled taking most of the force out of the land and into the roll. I looked at Starlyn who was leaning by the wall like nothing happened. Knowing her you'd think I could tell what she was feeling. Nope not even from the power rolling off of her or her body language.

She muttered something and walked deeper into the alley. As she walked the darkness seemed to swallow her up. "Ok. Weird shadows and animals really love you" I muttered.
She came into sight again as calm as ever. "Coming or not. I don't mind if you take your own way. Just don't get caught I don't want to have to save you again" she said in a taunting tone.

It was one time I said with my eyes. But she just stared with a sassy look in her eyes "really" is what she said. I walked over to her and playfully nudged her. We walked tell I couldn't she in front of me.

Half way to were ever we were going something or someone grabbed me. Out of panic I tried to grab my twin. I wasn't expecting her to wear a heavy jacket with fur on the hood. That's when pain shot up my arm. I had no clue what to do but the person was waiting for a reaction. "Right sis doesn't wear heavy jackets with Fox fur on the hood" I said out loud.

My captures looked at me blankly. The girl who I think broke my arm became red with rage. "YOU DO NOT TOUCH M'LADY" she yelled."YOU FILTHY MAN.I SHOULD KILL YOU NOW". Me being me decided to be like my twin and add a little sassiness to this conversation.

"Are you done" I asked her. "Because I would really like my arm to be put back into place before you kill me". She became even more red with rage. The girl who was holding me loosened her grip. Big mistake.

I pushed with all my might backwards making her hit the wall. She fell unconscious on the ground I leaped at the other one. She was in shock and was just staring at me when I grabbed her arm and judo flipped her. Good news I didn't get hurt. Bad news I through her right through a wall.

There were a bunch of other girls dressed up like her. They looked at her then at me stunned at what just happened. I smirked and bowed which made them mad. They were about to get up when the most surprising laugh was heard.

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