Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 

Schuyler’s p.o.v

‘Your father had many secrets you didn’t know about’ a message popped up on the computer I was using in school. The username was ‘Alwayswatchingyou’ creepy right. 

‘who are you?’ I sent and clicked a website for ghost. I was doing a report for them in literature. The teacher said to pick something random and that popped into my head randomly.

‘You don’t know me but I know you’ It replied and I looked around the room to see many people using there computers and I groaned and replied.

‘Are you a stalker?’ I sent

‘Very funny, but if I am how would you know’ it replied and I felt like punching the computer. 

‘Leave me alone’ I sent and almost logged off.

‘But it’s funny watching you panic’ it replied and by instinct I looked around trying to find whoever this person is even though I had no idea what they looked like.

‘Who are you?’ I sent 

‘Wouldn’t you like to know’ it replied instantly 

‘Why are you stalking me?’ I sent and I was tapping my fingers on the keyboard nervously. What If this person is watching me right now? 

‘Because you need to suffer’ it replied and that instantly hit my nerve. I logged off walking fast out of the library. Not looking behind me afraid that my stalker would be there. Chris was off in football practice since he had missed it a lot. Andrew and Tyler were both on the team. Maybe Carol can hang out with me. I dialed her number and it rang 2 times.

“Hello” she said

“Hey you want to hang out?” I asked 

“Sure, where are you?” she asked and I told her where. Now sitting on the bench waiting for Carol I felt someone sit down next to me. 

“Forgot about me?” the person said making me jump up to come face to face with Ayden.

“Oh hey what’s up” I told him

“You forgot to see me yesterday” he told me frowning and I felt guilty

“Bloody hell I forgot” I told him making him laugh

“Bloody hell?” he said chuckling a little

“Yeah I’m really sorry I forgot” I told him 

“It’s alright” he said smiling and taking my hand in his. I really felt like he was a feel brother to me. 

“Look what I didn’t tell you was that I received a letter and it was telling me that the person was going to come after me and when Chris read it, it changed” I told him quickly 

“What” he asked surprised 

“Yeah and im not crazy nor lying” I told him before he judged me.

“I don’t think your crazy but that’s something that sounds crazy” he admitted rubbing my hand with his thumb 

“Yeah tell me about it” I admitted throwing my hands up in the air. I sighed, my situation was really complicated. And what did my dad have to do with anything? 

“Everything’s going to be okay” he said pulling me into a hug and I snuggled into his neck. I nodded and somehow that felt like I was lying. Nothing felt like it was going to be okay.

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