Realising i was trans

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I always knew I was different from everyone else. Boys clothes. Boys tv shows. Not wanting to do my hair or dance or do anything stereotypically feminine. But I never knew what it was. I always thought I was just a very masculine child to be honest. My mum told me to wear what I want. My dad told me to wear what I want. My nan couldn't get her head around it. But she managed to get over it. I was quite happy as a child. But I got to about the age of 10 and realised that something just wasn't right. I didn't like my birthname (I won't tell my birthname I'm sorry but I'm not very comfortable doing that) I hated having long hair. And I was starting to dislike my body quite a lot.

(How i realised I am trans)
I started watching a youtuber (therealalexbertie) if anyone has heard of him. I came out as bi/lesbian because he came out as that first to ease his family into it. But then I realised after watching a lot of videos and looking into it. That is what I was. I then changed my name(socially not legally yet sadly) and got my hair cut short and started binding( I'm making another part on that though) I asked close friends to change name and pronouns, or at least try their best. They all agreed. I had very supporting friends tbh. I was 11 by the time I realised that's Definately what I am.

Thanks for reading this I will be making another few chapters on different things, anyone who reads this and wants to know anything or needs advice I am willing to let you know.
Sorry it's not that good I'm quite new to this.

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